You might be surprised of all of the things Vaseline can do for you. It just celebrated its 141st birthday, so there must be a reason why it has lasted through all of these years!
1. It makes your eyelashes grow: Lather Vaseline all over your eyelashes overnight and watch them thicken, even without a prescription!
2. Soften dry and cracked elbows.
3. Dry cuticles: Store a mini-Vaseline container in your purse and use for emergency dry cuticle moments.
4. For kissable, luscious lips: Fall is a beast for drying out summery, dewy lips. Vaseline is there for you and your irresistible pout. You can also mix Vaseline with Kool-Aid powder and make a colored (and flavored) lip gloss.
5. Help your scent stick around: Softly rub Vaseline all over your perfume points (i.e. the cleavage, behind the ear, neck, and wrist) and your scent will last longer!
6. It is a misconception that Vaseline clogs pores, so smear it all over your face, neck and arms for softer skin.
7. Lipstick smudges: Spread a little Vaseline over your teeth and lipstick smudges be gone! This is an infamous tip used at beauty pageants.
8. To remove last night’s makeup: Apply some to a Q-tip and have a pretty day.
9. Perfect for an eye-shadow/blush boost: Apply some under your eye shadow for a glossy effect. Apply on the apples of your cheeks for a dewy glow. Mix with lipstick for a cream blusher!
10. It eases eyebrow plucking: Tame your eyebrows and lube up the under-skin so you can pluck with ease.
11. Prevent hair dye from seeping onto your forehead: Softly dab all over your hairline and keep that box hair dye from dying your forehead the color of your new hairdo.
12. To make your accessories look brand spankin’ new: New job interview or a hot date? Put a small dab on your shoes and shine away!
13. Hide Split Ends: Haven’t had a haircut since your budget only allows you go to Great Clips for a quickie? Hide damaged ends with a small amount on your ends.
14. Remove makeup stains for your clothes. Dab a little with a damp cloth.
15. To Prevent spray-tan streaks: Rub all over the backs of your knees, ankles and hands to prevent seriously frightening spray tan lines.
16. To get those O.P.I. nail polish bottles open: Make it easier next time and rub Vaseline under the cap. Easy to open the next time you decide to do an at-home pedi.
17. It’s your new exfoliating body wash: Mix with sea salt and come out of the shower feeling soft, and sexy.
18. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line.
19. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving.
20. Lubricates ear lobes and helps make earring insertion easy and painless.
* Bonus – Once you carve your Halloween pumpkin, rub Vaseline on the exposed edges. It keeps it from rotting or going dry.
There have been so many comments on whether Vaseline is a good option for skincare. Well, in case you missed it, here are 5 of the Worst Skincare Habits you may be doing everyday!

Don’t use it as a personal lubricant though, ladies – bad idea AND it destroys condoms
Why would someone ask that…
why not use vaseline on cold sores?
I don’t know much about vaseline on cold sores, if you want to try it, or if you know that it works, let me know.
It’s TRUE. (1) Not good for you “down there” compared to water-based, and (2) It really *DOES* destroy effectiveness of condoms! Do NOT use for that purpose.
Who would also say it twice
Really? WOW. … your vagina is a mucus membrane that’s just gross–aka.self lubricates unless your menopausal. Something that makes your eyelashes grow and is medicated does not belong down there…. I won’t continue for fear I’ll just offend you.
You do know they sell lube at the drugstore? Lubricant for sex? Some spontaneous people think they can substitute lube with Vaseline. I’m surprised you never heard of that before. Yes, the vagina does self-lubricate, but you shouldn’t be surprised at the idea that someone might need a little more assistance. I mean… just try having anal without lube. YIKES!
Why not ask that?
i was wondering if someone was going to say that, lol.
Great tips…where can I find the jewel-encrusted Vaseline jar! Any great tip for the Anonymous folks…don’t use as lube!
I want One too. Did you ever find one?
It’s really not hard to make! If you want a price quote, I can make it. Email me at [email protected]
It was given out to the audience members of the Tyra Banks Show. She had it made for them and apparently each one was encrusted with $100 worth of Swarovski Crystals. But you can easliy make this for way cheaper by picking up some gems from Michaels Craft Store or your local Dollar store and stick them with some super glue or epoxy glue.
This is awesome, it says 20 but I wonder if not 19 uses, since he kind of says the same thing twice #17 & #18? One says wash, scrub, but basically the same thing right? what are you washing with Vaseline/Petroleum jelly though?
They aren’t the same. .#17 is to exfoliate and #18 is to remove the glue from eyelashes.
I’ve been known to use a few of these vaseline tricks–#4 is my fav–but now I have a few more to add to my list of vaseline usefulness. Thanks!
Another use for vaseline not listed here is to put lots of vaseline all over your feet and put socks on over night and your feet would be the smoothest they’ve ever been for days! My mom passed that tip along to me and I love and done it for years!
you can also use Vaseline to remove pigment on the lips from long-last lipsticks.
I love use vaseline . its so good to use try it , you will see the different.
I love Vaseline and all of these tips except one are perfect. I really do advise you don’t use it all over your face. ESPECIALLY not where you can see pores (for me that is right around my nose). I used some once because I had a dry patch of skin and had a spot of acne for 6 months that did not go away. When I told my mother she said her mother did the same thing one time and warned all of them to NEVER put vaseline all over your face (just areas like your eyelids, maybe your cheekbones, or chin, or forehead, for me those areas are very low risk with acne).
I have used vaseline all over my face for over 20 years…. As a muisturizer and make up remover every night , I’m always asked what I use on my skin to look younger and smooth ….so I guess it depends on your skin type…
Same for me have had less then 10 pimples in my life and have been slathered from a young age … Not trying to toot my own horn toot toot) skin is butter–30yr old male
So do you leave it all night or for how long ?? And is this for everyday ?? I would love to try it please let me know
Use it around the eyes at night and for the neck! Take the back of your hand and rub it in a upward motion fifty times a night helps with turkey neck!
So you would use it on dry patches?
If it thickens eyelashes wil it also thicken (over tweezed) eyebrows? It is deffinantly good for chapped or sunburned lips, it works overnite.
I got a crazy rash on my face and chest at the beach, not sure if it was bad sunscreen, over-exposure, or some sand-mite, and was freaking out about how to get rid of it. My dad suggested Vaseline and it was gone within 2 days. Nothing else worked (Aveeno, Seabreeze, Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E Oil, etc…) but Vaseline us now my new go-to for my sensitive skin.
Vaseline is also good to put on toddler andkids cheeks and nose before going out to play in the snow. It protects against wind burn and those dry red cheeks kids get in the winter. Just make sure it doesn’t get near their eyes.
Toxic! It’s a petroleum product! Do not use! Please especially on your children. It is toxic!
I’m sorry but really, this cant be a serious post???
Petroleum jelly is not toxic. It is the base for gel put in babies eyes when they are born. You can feed it to your cat to help with hair balls. People just talk without a clue to the truth.
I have used it on my face at night and it works wonders!! It does say not to put on your eyes though.
When my son was born they told us to use Vaseline for his circumcision. I highly doubt it’s toxic.
Is not toxic!Its folkloric medicinal value as a “cure-all” has since been limited by better scientific understanding of proper and improper uses. However, it is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an approved over-the-counter (OTC) skin protectant, and remains widely used in cosmetic skin care. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a U.S. non-profit organization that does environmental and safety studies, says there’s petrolatum in one out of every 14 cosmetic products on the market, including 15 percent of lipsticks and 40 percent of baby lotions and oils. Plus, it’s used as an active ingredient for healing cuts and burns.
Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most unirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; and Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44–46). Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that’s what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don’t suffocate skin! Moreover, mineral oil and petrolatum are known to be efficacious in wound healing, and are also among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available (Source: Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 1998, pages 33–40).
Petroleum that is widely used in cosmetics because it rarely causes allergic reactions and it cannot become a solid and clog pores. Despite petroleum, and mineral oil’s hype that it is bad for skin, keep in mind that petroleum is a natural ingredient derived from the earth and that once it becomes mineral oil USP (cosmetics and pharmaceutical-grade mineral oil), it has no resemblance to the original petroleum.
So to sum it all up, Petrolatum and Mineral Oil is safe to be used on Oily or Acne prone skin, which is relief because it is found in many beauty products found on the market today!
its not at all toxic
I have used “oil free products” and I have a oily “T”zone and found it works against what the product represents. I live in Florida so the humidity is very high and I use a light moisturizer and it makes my skin produce less oil.
another good one. put a little on a toothbrush (obviously not the one you brush your teeth with) and LIGHTLY brush in small circles on your lips to exfoliate, then leave on overnight.
Holy crap. Who knew Vaseline was so darn versatile? Now… where do I get one of those blinged out jars of it?!? I NEED IT!!!
I’ve seen a mini sparkle jar at target!
Yes, it is a petroluem product, but its actually the byproduct of petroleum aquasition. It is completely safe and actually very good for you. The man who developed it ate a tablespoon of petroleum jelly every day (don’t know how he thought that up…) and he was very healthy and lived to a very old age. It’s not the same as rubbing gasoline on your body. Almost every beauty/bath product contains petroleum products.
Lol wouldn’t that make your poop super greasy?
Lol wouldn’t that make your poop super greasy?
Agreed 8cowdot. not to mention it goes through a purifying process as well. I love when people use this logic because to me it’s like, “poop is made from a lot of water, and since poop is toxic to consume, we shouldn’t consume water either.”
#6 and the Bonus seems contradictory to me. Either way, I don’t like to use Vaseline. It seems gross, messy, and unnatural.
How are they contradicting at all??
I follow your blog…but unfortuanately don’t visit as often as I should. I’m really glad I noticed this post…thank you so much for the Vaseline uses…it’s kind of like Baking Soda…really inexpensive and very effective for many things. Love the bling jar!
May the New Year be joyous and healthy for you!
All the best,
i read to rub it onthe silver part of a light bulb. you will not have trouble unscrewing the bulb when taking it out of the socket.
Sorry but I can’t see that #17 and #18 are anywhere alike. Also don’t know why when people don’t like something they try to make others not like it too. These people must be very lonely people!
Two words that need to be added to #17 are “be careful”!! Makes ur shower slick as a skating rink!!
It is the best for a diaper rash and sore baby bottom too!! It is also the ONLY topical ointment I have found that really helps control exzema, and believe me we have used EVERYTHING,from cancer causing perscriptions to over the counter creams!
I used it for diaper rash too, worked wonderful. The only thing I could use on my babies, if I used diaper cream they would scream from the sting.
I agree. I use it at every diaper change to protect their tiny bottoms. Between both my girls, I have only had a half dozen rashes to contend with.
I agree. I use it at every diaper change to protect their tiny bottoms. Between both my girls, I have only had a half dozen rashes to contend with.
$50+ on various diaper creams for our rash-prone newborn and Vaseline turned out to be the only effective and painless solution.
Ah why have I never thought of this! I have tried everything in the book and nothing has worked. Will definitely be using this fit diaper cream from now on.
I absolutely agree. I used baby Vaseline (with the baby powder scent) and it was a miracle worker. I honestly believe it works better than Aquafor, and it’s much cheaper as well. The also have a Vaseline cream for those who don’t like the consistency of original Vaseline.
My geeky, amazing boyfriend just said he used Vaseline on a Rubix cube to make it easier to maneuver when trying to solve it.
Love all the additional suggestions and ideas everyone! Thanks so much!
Great when you have a cold too to prevent skin from chaffing. Have some on my upper lip and under my nose right now since I’ve been sick all week.
I use it for exzema on my hands and it has done wonders to help control it. Also Vaseline is good for toenail fungus.
No way it can make your lashes grow! If that was the case Latisse wouldn’t be in business. The only thing it’ll do is “condition” your lashes, or really, make them feel greasy.
I have used it on my lashes for the past 15 years and I have ridiculously long, thick lashes…everyone always asks if they are false. I swear by using vasaline on your eyes every night ;)
There are plenty of home remedies that work just as well if not better than the marketed crap. In turn, there are also plenty of people that are too ignorant and/or lazy to research it so they keep companies like latisse in business.
It says on the package to not use on eyes.
meaning not to get it in your eye… your eyelashes aren’t your eyes lol
so do i put over my lashes?
Latisse is only in business because the company was trying to create a product to treat astigmatism, and a side effect was it made eyelashes grow.. so they went with it.
What’s the suggested way to apply to your lashes? Definitely want to try. And how long before you see results?
The best way to apply is with a mascara wand, or apply to a q-tip and place above your lashes on your lid closest to your lashes, but don’t let get into your eye. Good luck!
I put it on dry, cracked heels after showering, put socks on and in a few days your feet will be soft
Ive done that too for years, works overnight! Especially in the summer when your in sandals and flip flops all day!
I’ve been doing this, but what do you do with the excess skin…callus? How can I remove that? Gross I know. :/
Use a foot file or ped egg. A simple pumice stone in the shower works great as well :)
They have foot scrubbers to remove the excess dead skin. I normally do it after i shower, or soak your feet. Then put vaseline on. Result are no calluses, and soft beatiful feet.
Pumice stone for the callus :)
I had a cap fall off of my tooth once and filled it with Vaseline. It stuck until I got to the dentist. Love Vaseline! So versatile!
Rub over your toenails before you go to bed. Makes your nails look healthy,takes away any dry spots from using nail products, removers etc.
I’m sure Vaseline doesn’t technically MAKE your eyelashes grow. I’m sure what it does is to help keep your eyelashes from drying and breaking so they can grow to their potential. OH, and to get the “blinged out” Vaseline container? Go buy some Vaseline and glue on clear jewels. Haha. That easy! I’m totally using a lot of these suggested, btw. Thanks for sharing!
I use it when curling my hair, when I’m fresh out of hairspray/gel/mousse. I dab a little on my ends before curling and curl, I have straight hair, and it keeps my curls intact all day! But be forewarned the vaseline does stain your curler/straightener and smells funny, be sure to wash clean the iron after cooling and spray your hair with some body spray and everything is good as new :)
Wow ill have to try. I love curling my hair but it never stays.. thanks
I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve read a lot of places to put it around your nail before painting your nails, and the extra polish will just wipe right off, no remover needed! Worth a try, I think!
That TOTALLY works!! Pure awesome!
Strip nakid, cover your entire body in vaseline and pretend you ate a slug!!
Oh that is too funny!
If you’re going to put vasaline on your eyelashes I would suggest using a mascara wand.. This will make the application much easier.
Awesome suggestion. Thanks!
For some reason not sure why it makes bruises fade faster. And please don’t try this one (Anonymous said…
i read to rub it on the silver part of a light bulb. you will not have trouble unscrewing the bulb when taking it out of the socket.
January 6, 2012 11:41 PM ) you could start a fire.
Great post!
I can absolutely say that it actually DOES make eyebrows & eyelashes thicker, almost everyone notices how thick my lashes and brows got. Vaseline doesn’t have lash or brow lengthening agents in it, but the key word here is conditioning, it conditions your lashes and brows. Just like when you condition your hair, it grows healthier and thicker.
Prevents bruises!
When our kids were little and ran into everything, we would smear vaseline on the ‘owie’ and, no bruise, very little swelling.
My mom learned that working as a nurse in emerg. Kids especially, would come in after a vehicle accident and even if they weren’t terribly hurt, could have really bad bruising that would scare them, so the nurses would smear vaseline on their faces just so the kids would have one less thing to be frightened by after their ordeal.
I’ve been using vaseline for years around my toenails before I paint them! The extra paint you get on your skin flakes right off, and it conditions your tootsies at the same time!
I’ve been using it all through my pregnancy to keep stretch marks away. So far so good!! (i’m 8 months now)
This is an awesome list. I will be putting Vaseline on my eye lashes tonight!
I put it all over my feet and then put socks over the top and leave them on either overnight or for a few hours and when I remove my socks my feet are baby soft and super-moisturized!
Agreed! Works like a charm !
I also use it under my eyes when I’m tinting my eyelashes. It prevents the skin getting stained by the tint and also holds the papers on that I place under my eyes as an added precaution to prevent staining.
It also works after getting a tatoo so when you shower the water could slide of and won’t damage the ink
NEVER…EVER…NEVER use it on a tattoo! One of the worst things you could possibly do! It will actually ruin what you just paid hundreds of dollars for…. Just a heads up!
Agreed. NEVER use on your tats. It actually pulls out the ink. I’ve heard this from several tattoo artists. I was told the best cream to put on them is Diaper Rash cream, & to only put enough to keep the tat moist. Too much will also case ugly scanning.
Tattoo goo, or neosporin aee best vasaline is terrinle on tats..
Gotta love spell check hahaha *are, *terrible
A&D is best from my experience
this is a great article! Can’t wait to try most of these out. Thanks for sharing!
I have really thin eyelashes so I hope that the Vaseline trick works!!!
To the person who said “use it on a tattoo” you NEVER use Vaseline on a tattoo. Ever. Ever ever. But these other ideas sound pretty nifty, minus the one about putting it on lightbulbs. That just does NOT sound safe.
Who knew that vaseline could do so much! Thanks a lot, I will try most of these tricks:)
My one year old ate a lot of my Vaseline and so I called poison control. They said it was totally fine but he might have looser stools since it acts as a laxative. I wouldn’t suggest using it on purpose for a laxative. It’s just nice knowing there is one less toxic thing in my house to worry about.
It is wonderful to apply a little around the eyes and on the lashes of a little one to prevent them waking with eye cold drainage matting their lashes together…
Yes, you NEVER use petroleum products on tattoos! It’s damaging to the ink!
It is also great for keeping away bruises. If you bump into something put a big old glob of Vaseline on the spot and no bruise.
Put it on glass windows before painting and then no need to razorblade off the excess paint and less taping. Also good on the screw top of glue like superglue.
This is kinda gross, but if you live in a place with a very dry climate and get nosebleeds a lot, put a little bit on the inside of your nostrils to keep things moist. I learned that at the ER an it works amazing.
So true, cold climates, for the win
Use it for dry skin all over my face, as well as heels and elbows and never got any acne. My grandma never used anything else on her face and she had flawless skin. Forget all the expensive stuff you should give it a try. It does not cause blackheads either.
This is an old post,however I just recently began using petroleum jelly to re-mix my foundation makeup so it is not as thick.What I do is add a small amt.ofVaseline PJelly,and a facial moisturizer of my choice,usually Olay peptide cream,and some foundation..Mix very well and it primes the makeup to be thinner easier to rub onto skin,and smoother looking.It also doesn”t rub off as easy with excessive sweating in hot summers.and protects moreso in the freezing winters we get where I live in MN.
I’m another who has used vaseline/petroleum jelly as my night-time eye cream for over 40 years. I turn 60 this year and you’d never know it…most of the time! Also agree about using it to spiff up shoes or bags needing a quick shine…especially if you’re travelling. I have also applied it overnight to very chapped hands in the winter (put on cotton gloves!). I’d be lost without my little jar of vaseline.
Totally toxic, it’s a petroleum distillate, do some more research. Its called Vaseline PETROLEUM dont want it on your skin.
Obviously if people have used it for many many years on their skin and it hasn’t caused problems then it’s probably not toxic. And not to mention the fact that that persons that said poison control said it was non toxic is correct because my daughter who is 2 1/2 ate some the other day and I called to be sure and they told me the exact same thing. (:
I have a lot of problems with dry skin due to radiation treatments and drug interactions. Vaseline is AMAZING for soothing the skin. ITs great to put on cuts to keep them clean and to stop minor bleeding until you can get a proper bandage. Ive had my tear ducts cloterized, I put a little dab in the corners where the ‘crusties’ form(which hurt like hell if you scratch the cloterized duct) and it keeps them away. I had a hard time finding a good lotion that would keep my skin soft and from tightening up on me…Vaseline to the rescue again! Its cheap, it works and its AWESOME! My doctors are all for it. Completely safe!
Just because people have used it for years doesn’t mean that it hasn’t affected them….
…people who smoke don’t die immediately…but its still bad for them and the smoke contains many known carcinogens.
Plus when its combined with many other products that contain possibly harmful chemicals and the chemicals are layered. Skin absorbs an incredible amount of the “stuff” that we spread on our skin.
OB nurses put it on baby bottoms to help remove that tar-like first poop from a babys’ bottoms. Helps it wipe away easily.
My advice, use it if you think it’s safe. Don’t use it if you don’t. Simple as that.
Coconut Oil is the best for all these uses and many more plus it’s natural! Both my husband and I LOVE coconut oil!!! No toxic worries there!
i’ve been saying it for years! vaseline is the best!!
I’ve used it all over my stomach and hips since I found out I was pregnant. Im 38 weeks and not one stretch mark! Yea it’s a little messy but rub in enough it’ll be just fine. It keeps moisture locked in longer than lotions
Vaseline is not toxic. obviously you know how to use the internet since you are on this blog, so try using it to do some FACTUAL research. Just as with most things, there are varying degrees of petroleum jelly. Vaseline is a REFINED version…meaning it isn’t like the original product which is toxic and flammable. If it were, all the governing bodies like the FDA wouldn’t allow it to be used in production for human use. Also, it is a conductor of electricity. Unless you have it near an open flame, the most it is going to do is melt…therefore, ok to use on the end of a lightbulb. It’s basic science people, your kids could probably know more about it than you.
you know what also works for alot of stuff? oatmeal I litterally just put oatmeal on my face and it feels amazing my face is all soft and it also helps with acne…:)
Now, we use it as lube all the time, and have never had any problems. We don’t use condoms though, but I’ve heard you aren’t supposed to use it anyway for that. Why?
You shouldn’t use it as a “personal lubricant” because it is petroleum based, not water soluble as is KY Jelly or other similar products, and won’t dissolve naturally. The residue left behind will provide a place for bacteria to grow potentially causing serious infections, but also causing odors. For the same reason; the fact that it’s petroleum based–it should not be used with a condom as it WILL degrade the latex, causing breaks and leaks! Otherwise, it is a great product, and great ideas!
Vaseline has been a much used product in my life from the beginning. My grandmother could cure anything with either Carbolated Vaseline or Witch Hazel. I sure wish the carbolated product was still available. I am having a family reunion soon and making the lip gloss for all of the females in the family.
If any of you have little boys with circumcisions you’ll know most every pediatrician or doctor will tell you put it on their new circumcisions to help them heal and keep them moist so there’s no chaffing or burning…these are great tips. I use Vaseline and baby oil to keep skin soft and smooth and prevent stretch marks from pregnancy. And I just used it around my fingers for getting the paint off easily -worked pretty great. :) and oatmeal is great for cleaning your face!
I use Vaseline all over my body before I swim to help prevent razor burn and to keep the chlorine from drying my skin out.
Vasaline is great to put on your baby’s diaper area. It helps clear up diaper rash because it allows the skin to heal. My husband & I put it on our daughter every night because she sleeps a good 11 hours every night to keep her little bum protected.
Remove water marks from furniture! Leave Vaseline over the mark overnight and wipe clean in the morning… Supposedly.
would it make yuor eyebrows grow like it does for your eyelashes?
Hi anonymous, I don’t see why not. I have heard that it can help. It can also help to make your brows grow thicker too.
I love this!! I always have vaseline on hand – its awesome!
I use Vaseline during the Winter months the most. Keeps our noses from looking like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. We also apply it to our sons face before he plays in the snow. Anytime he has a runny nose we apply it to his cheeks, under his nose and his chin before bed to prevent overnight snot drying on his face.
Vaseline is approved by the FDA as an approved over-the-counter skin protector. I use it multiple times every day, and I swear by it. If it’s toxic, I should have died a long time ago. Thanks for the tips you’ve given here!
Hi there as I read all these wonderful tips(& by the way thanks!!!) I was thinking maybe because of people aresaying it clogged the pores maybe it would be a good idea to melt it down and add oils like cocnut oil and essential oils and vit e and make it a super moisturizer. It seems that vasalein helps keep moister in so to add other benefits to it may work! I have been making lipstick and an cheep ingredient is vasaleine to properly distribute the wax…… I noticed a significant difference in lashes In one night in one application. Many myths, but seems like those who use it for years on end with proper application ars reaping good results, I’m intrigued!!!!!!!!! Thanks & take care. As always with any i meet if anyone is interested in hearing the truth from the bible from the Churh of Christ u can type in Wilsonrdcoc on YouTube….. Again take care
My husband has terrible cracked feet…I put a generous amount of Vaseline all over his feet and ankles then wrap Saran Wrap around each foot and then put his socks on him….even takes care of the deep, deep, cracks in his heels.
Can anything that will dissolve a rubber condom really be all that safe????
Dissolve is not the same as degrade. Exposure to air can make a condom degrade. Should we not breathe?
wow so many great tips i will try at least some.. i use vaseline on a mosquito/flea bite and i promise you the itchy red bump is gone gone gone i carry vaseline in my bag everywhere i go its so plain and clear that the grandkids don’t scream and yell it stings/burns!!
Would aquaphor work in the same way? esp regarding eyelash growth?
These sound like great ideas! I can’t wait to give them a try. But with a personal experience, do NOT use on fresh tattoos. Yes it gives it a nice shine and looks pretty but it does not react well to new tattoos and it causes these bumps to grow underneath it and it really hurts. After I went to go see my tattoo artist about the bumps and told him what I was using.. He said never to use this on them.
Hi @Sara Cooper. I would not recommend using Aquaphor the same way. Especially anywhere near your eyes. Aquaphor is only about 41% petroleum and it contains other ingredients like mineral oil, ceresin, lanolin, panthenol, glycerin and bisabolol.
Aquaphor is better used as a base for pharmaceutical ointments. I used it when I had some mole removed.
Hope that helped.
Thanks Anonymous for your tattoo tips. I think that is really important info to know.
Vaseline is also a great way to remove eye makeup, especially eyeliner. Rub it on with a q-tip then wipe off.
It can also be put on your feet when you have to break in new shoes, that way you won’t get any blisters!
Love this stuff! It’s the best mascara and eyeliner remover ever, plus great in the winter for chapped lips, a sore nose from a cold or dry feet over night in socks! I’ll have to try a few more on this list!
Thank you, that was very helpful. I started using Vaseline and notice thicker eyelashes already after only a few days!!
Something I learned at a young age: Do NOT open your mouth, unless you know it is TRUE. Some of the ignorant comments on here have astounded me. Really people? Do some research! Why in the bloody he!! would we be TOLD BY A PHYSICIAN to put petroleum jelly on our newborn sons open wounded genitals, if it wasn’t SAFE? And may I ask, what is A&D ointment? (You know, the product that any reputable tattoo artist tells you to put on your new ink?) 50.4% friggin petroleum! Get with the program, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!
I will be trying several of these tonight, thank you for the share :)
When I first started using tampons (was using the cardboard apps, but can be used on rhe plastic ones as well) I was told to put some Vaseline on the tip u insert first..,slides right in! Sorry boys a little tmi but if u have daughters ….great advise :)
Do you realize you are putting a petroleum based product on yourself?? a gas product- made from alcohol which if you knew anything about chemistry drys up skin and hair really??? sad to put this out really dumb people
For above comment, it will not dry skin and hair! Have YOU tried it? They tell us to rub on baby’s bottoms !
The ladies whom have used this for 15 years haven’t started on fire. Please donYOUR research or bug off !
Just saying
To the people criticizing those of speaking of vaseline’s toxicity as not doing their research I think THEY need to look this up.
The main ingredient in petroleum jelly is petrolatum a mixture of hydrocarbons. These are known carcinogens and neurotoxins. Petrolatum in itself is not harmful , the health concern is the impurities (1, 4-Dioxane and coal tar) as a result of the manufacturing process. It creates a barrier on the skin preventing it from eliminating toxins.
A study done by UCLA links high levels of exposure to mortality, lung cancer and melanoma.
The FDA doesn’t have a strong regulation on the cosmetics industry. And as for the “if the doctor said it was ok…” comment, my pedi recommended some OTC ointments for my son’s eczema and he didn’t even know about all the highly toxic and harmful ingredient in a lot of them until I point it out to him,
Newborns are bathed with toxic Johnson&Johnson for crying out loud!
For ALL the uses listed here you can use coconut, olive or almond oil with better results without the chemicals.
I’m just saying… Maybe it is toxic and does cause cancer, maybe it doesn’t. But if you want to avoid EVERYTHING that causes cancer, you’re probably going to have to move to a third world country. You could find a scientific study telling you that nearly everything, from plants to tv, that causes cancer. I spent a good hour on my cell phone today. Those waves will probably give me cancer. I cook a significant amount of food in my microwave that was made in the 80s. Cancer. The strawberries I bought today are not organic and probably have pesticides on them. Cancer. My house is leaking asbestos. Cancer. I’m 24. By the time I’m 50, there’s a pretty good chance that at least half the world will have/ have had some form of cancer. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it is. But I’m not going to live in a bubble because of it. And really, I’m pretty excited at the possibility of enlarging my miniscule lashes! I can’t wait to try out this stuff!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Petroleum jelly has already been banned in many products in europe because of its link to cancer. Just an fyi.
The FDA tells us that trans fats, HFCS, and artificial sweeteners are safe, dentists use mercury in your dental work, and their are tons of medicines that are not safe and cause adverse side effects. Just because your government and doctors tell you its safe, doesn’t necessarily mean its safe. They are businesses, influenced by money at the root of it all.
That being said, coming here and yelling that petroleum jelly isn’t safe on a post solely about the uses of petroleum jelly is stupid. If you don’t like it, don’t use it, simple as that.
I have used Vaseline since I was a little girl. My Mother taught me to use it regularly on my face and skin. I use it on my hair, to remove eye makeup, and after a bath or shower, I put Vaseline in my palm, add some lotion, rub together and lather all over my body… my skin is as soft as a newborn baby’s little bottom. I use it on my little ones. I use it to shine my shoes…it has so many uses. I never leave home without my little tube or little jar of Vaseline! LOVE< LOVE< LOVE it!!!
I hate that you said it’s a misconception that it clogs pores. It’s OIL based. What clogs a pore? Oil, dirt, and sweat. Plus vaseline doesn’t allow the skin to breathe, so it’s all around not healthy to be slathering all over your face. Why on earth would anyone think that the same thing that is capable of shining shoes and disintegrating condoms would be good for the face?
Hi Anonymous,
It is a misconception that vaseline clogs pores as much as it is hard to believe. According to a study in the Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, petroleum jelly is classified as non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog pores. You can read more about it here: Health.How Stuff Works
never used vaseline before, but maybe i will now?
Vaseline rocks! I’ve used it pretty much my whole life! And I say to everyone.. Continue using it! I use it on my children as well and they haven’t bursted into flames. If u don’t like the product then don’t post on here and try to ruin it for other people. Keep to yourself. MY opinion of vaseline is that it is awesome and I recomend it to anyone with children. Thanks for sharing :)
just wondering why all these people who are saying that vaseline is bad, are reading a post about its many uses? and who are we to judge what other people choose to do with (or to) their own body?
p.s. i love vaseline. the only thing that has worked for my eczema.
These are great tips! I use Vaseline quite a bit, so I’m happy to have found a few new uses! Thanks! Happy to have ‘stumbled upon’ your blog! New GFC follower! (also pinned and tweeted this–it’s great info!)
Barbara at Chase the Star
chasethestar dot net
You know what else shines shoes? Spit. And you know what else can disintegrate condoms? Olive oil. Any oil really. 2 silly reasons to avoid Vaseline. Hey, Oxygen in water cause iron to rust. Eegads, our blood has iron in it! Better hold your breath!
Another use for vaseline…. We show goats and use the vaseline instead of the spray to shine their hooves and horns. It makes them just as shiny, but isn’t out of an can also it acts like a conditioner for the horns and hooves …. The spray show stuff does not.
I read somewhere once that using a q-tip to apply vaseline to the inside of your nostrils helps reduce the chance of hayfever. I tried it myself – and it seemed to work.
Thanks for all of your research and info Heather. I love Vaseline!
My mom swears by it to she started using it as a teenager she was 40 when she met my dad 13 years older than him he had know idea till she had to tell him her real age when they were filling out the marriage licence he thought she was the same age or younger and just silly about it. Shes 67 now and looks like shes in her 40s go vaseline!
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comment and your story. I love that about your mom. It really makes me feel like I need to get vaseline on my face asap.
Just last week my son was replacing the fuel pump on his car and it wouldn’t quite seat into where it was supposed to go. He put a thin schmear of it around the seal and it slipped right into where it was supposed to be and locked in tight. See you can even fix your car with it.
I also use it on squeaky door hinges. Just use your finger to push a small amount into the hinge, then swing the door open and shut a few times to work it into the hinge. No more squeaks!
im only 25, but i remember hearing my older sisters talk about how they put it on their lashes…they have the longest lashes…just reminded me to try it now!
I was with a cosmetic company and their tactic to sell very expensive cosmetics and skin care was to scare everyone about petroleum jelly. I met probably 20 people along the way over the age of 80 (one is my mother-in-law) who have used nothing but Vaseline on their skin for 80 years and are very healthy. Consider the source. It’s the only thing they use on burns to keep out dangers from the outside from damaging the skin. If it was toxic would Dr.’s tell you to put it on your skin?
Poly sporen is what you should be using on your tat…. To heal it and prevent infection…hello!!
Regarding #15:
I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this previously since there are so many comments, but DO NOT use Vasoline before spray tanning. It is a blocker and will prevent spray tan solution from entering your pores. It will leave hideous areas of untanned skin.
Hi Anonymous –
15. To Prevent spray-tan streaks: Rub all over the backs of your knees, ankles and hands to prevent seriously frightening spray tan lines.
That is exactly how you want to use the vaseline, as a spray tan blocker. I hate when I get that dark spray tan on my feet or elbows or knees, so the vaseline will prevent that from happening.
Love this!!! I am definitely gonna start using Vaseline more often :)))
I had a leaky sunroof on my car years ago,and fixed it using vasaline.
By smearing it once a year around the seal on the roof, it keeps the water out.
W O W!!. This reminded me my mum told me doris day used it as her skin cream for ever. Nothing wrong with her. ..
I use Vaseline as an eye-makeup remover. It easily takes off even my waterproof mascara, and it is the only thing that doesn’t sting my eyes.
Take a look for yourself. what is petroleum? (fuel)
Octane, a hydrocarbon found in petroleum. Lines represent single bonds; black spheres represent carbon; white spheres represent hydrogen.
Petroleum is a mixture of a very large number of different hydrocarbons; the most commonly found molecules are alkanes (linear or branched), cycloalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, or more complicated chemicals like asphaltenes. Each petroleum variety has a unique mix of molecules, which define its physical and chemical properties, like color and viscosity.
The alkanes, also known as paraffins, are saturated hydrocarbons with straight or branched chains which contain only carbon and hydrogen and have the general formula CnH2n+2. They generally have from 5 to 40 carbon atoms per molecule, although trace amounts of shorter or longer molecules may be present in the mixture.
The alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are refined into petrol, the ones from nonane (C9H20) to hexadecane (C16H34) into diesel fuel, kerosene and jet fuel. Alkanes with more than 16 carbon atoms can be refined into fuel oil and lubricating oil. At the heavier end of the range, paraffin wax is an alkane with approximately 25 carbon atoms, while asphalt has 35 and up, although these are usually cracked by modern refineries into more valuable products. The shortest molecules, those with four or fewer carbon atoms, are in a gaseous state at room temperature. They are the petroleum gases. Depending on demand and the cost of recovery, these gases are either flared off, sold as liquified petroleum gas under pressure, or used to power the refinery’s own burners. During the winter, butane (C4H10), is blended into the petrol pool at high rates, because its high vapor pressure assists with cold starts. Liquified under pressure slightly above atmospheric, it is best known for powering cigarette lighters, but it is also a main fuel source for many developing countries. Propane can be liquified under modest pressure, and is consumed for just about every application relying on petroleum for energy, from cooking to heating to transportation.
The cycloalkanes, also known as naphthenes, are saturated hydrocarbons which have one or more carbon rings to which hydrogen atoms are attached according to the formula CnH2n. Cycloalkanes have similar properties to alkanes but have higher boiling points.
The aromatic hydrocarbons are unsaturated hydrocarbons which have one or more planar six-carbon rings called benzene rings, to which hydrogen atoms are attached with the formula CnHn. They tend to burn with a sooty flame, and many have a sweet aroma. Some are carcinogenic.
These different molecules are separated by fractional distillation at an oil refinery to produce petrol, jet fuel, kerosene, and other hydrocarbons. For example, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (isooctane), widely used in petrol, has a chemical formula of C8H18 and it reacts with oxygen exothermically:[18]
2 C8H18(l) + 25 O2(g) → 16 CO2(g) + 18 H2O(g) (ΔH = −10.86 MJ/mol of octane)
The amount of various molecules in an oil sample can be determined in laboratory. The molecules are typically extracted in a solvent, then separated in a gas chromatograph, and finally determined with a suitable detector, such as a flame ionization detector or a mass spectrometer.[19] Due to the large number of co-eluted hydrocarbons within oil, many cannot be resolved by traditional gas chromatography and typically appear as a hump in the chromatogram. This unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of hydrocarbons is particularly apparent when analysing weathered oils and extracts from tissues of organisms exposed to oil.
Incomplete combustion of petroleum or petrol results in production of toxic byproducts. Too little oxygen results in carbon monoxide. Due to the high temperatures and high pressures involved, exhaust gases from petrol combustion in car engines usually include nitrogen oxides which are responsible for creation of photochemical smog.
It’s a different kind of petroleum. Can you put vaseline in your gas tank? Exactly.
Vaseline also softens and removes that industrial strength glue ‘liquid nails’.
Nobody’s talked about it as an instant shoe-shine! Have a dull pair of cute heels, flats or boots? Give them a new life by rubbing Vaseline on them with a cotton ball… You’ll be amazed!
Vaseline is THE only thing that works on my severely chapped lips and I too am someone else who uses it as a moisturizer on my face… AHmazing!!
Ever since the weather here in ohio has became cold all over my chin ive had this dry,scabby kinda itchy rash,not acne or pimples it wont go away ive been washing my face and using aquaphor ,,,never tried vaseline anyone else have this problem and vaseline worked!?!?!
I know this is about beauty but there are a ton of uses! Here’s some not mentioned:
* New or old baseball glove conditioner.
* Put it on a stick to help start a fire.
* I’ve used it 30 years for male personal lube without a single issue.
* Cover battery posts to avoid corrosion.
Don’t you just love Wikipedia? Can help ANYONE with half of an opinion “prove” a point. Vaseline is a versatile product, I have used it on everyone of my 7 tattoos with no issues.
Thanks for the copypasta from Wiki, Anon. I pretty much didnt even read it.
There are a bunch of “right fighters” on here, if you don’t like vaseline then don’t use it. If you like it and it works for you, then great.
I’ve been using Vaseline on my lips and around my nose in the winter for years and years and ever had one single problem. (It works like a charm to keep my chapped lips/dry nose at bay.)
In fact, my DOCTOR recommended it. IT’S SAFE.
If you don’t like it, shut up and DON’T USE IT. There’s plenty of other alternatives out there.
PS: If you wear make up, lipbalm, gloss, which I’m sure 99% of you do, guess what there’s petrolatum in pretty much every single cosmetic product out there. :]
Great post! It can also be used to get rid of wax after waxing legs etc… And when u buy things with labels on and u can’t get the sticky stuff off :) xxx
Eyelashes and eyebrow thing really does work btw!
I never thought of these ideas. Awesome, I think I’ll try some. What amazes me is all the people who keep arguing about the safety. For Pete sakes get out of this blog and don’t use these tips. My mom used it on my sisters for diaper rash. It worked great.
I had forgotten about vaseline till my boyfriend told me to try it on my lips after trying EVERYTHING, what a waste of $$$. Yeah he was right like a;ways :) . Im so glad I came upon this, Im definiitely gonna try a few, especially the eyelashes! Oh and haters be gone.
I thank whomever pinned this on Pinterest! Seriously though, for those of you who just want to banter everyone for using it, if you don’t like it, don’t shove your comments down our throats! I seriously want to try the eyelash and eyebrow thing! I use it for my daughter’s diaper rashes mixed into the desitin because it’s so thick, really helps when you wipe it off, you don’t irritate the skin further and it also helps with the rash!
Thanks again and Happy New YEar everyone! (:
Also can be used to lube up brass instrument slides
let your cat lick a little vaseline off your finger once a month to help the cat hair go thru their sytem. my daughtern is a vet she said it does help, but in moderation
Love this post.. Thanks for letting the world know about this miracle jelly. I have already started using it. my hubby has fallen in love again with my baby soft skin. ^-^
I always have a massive tub of this stuff in my home. It is the best smeared inside the nose during dry winter nights, and of course, year round as lip balm.
I propose a new law: no one who hasn’t passed a 200 level chem class is allowed to post OH NOEZ NOT NACHERAL PETROLEUM!!! BLAH BLAH COCONUT OIL!! ever again.
I have extremely dry, sensitive skin & I have tried every moisturizer out there….
from over the counter to expensive…I always go back to vaseline… I am 49 & I have no wrinkles!!!!!! Love it
I’ve just started to use this product. NO.1 says that it can be used in eyelashes. But the one I bought warns not to use it near eyes. Are all types of Vaselines dangerous to use near eyes, or just this one. Should i look for another type??
none of these things surprise me (except #12, #17, and the bonus which i’m gonna try ALL of them now)
I’ve been using vaseline all over my body, and my entire face (with a dime-size of aloe vera gel) ever since i was a child and it’s never failed me. i constantly get mistaken for been 5-8 years younger than i am.
Now that i dicovered vaseline with cocoa butter, it is over. Viva vaseline!!!! LOL
Great for preventing blisters on new shoes. Just dab a little around your heal where the shoe is rubbing and no blister. Same on toes if the toe box of your shoe is a little tight.
I’m so so so HAPPY to have found this treasure!
I am definitely repinning this on Pinterest!
PLUS, This big ol’ VASALINE CONTROVERSY was humorous.
News Flash
Petrolatum – Impurities in Petroleum Jelly or commonly known as Vaseline, under suspicion as a carcinogen in Breast Cancer – Petrolatum Banned in products in the EU – Long term damage to health becoming evident – side effects from impurities in the manufacturing process implicated in causing cancer!
My face reacted to something, and has been bright red, itchy, swollen and very tight, so much that I can’t open my mouth to eat solid food and have been drinking my meals through a straw.
Nothing, and I mean _nothing_ has helped. I’ve tried creams, ibuprofen, benadryl, ice packs, olive oil, oatmeal, and more.
Out of desperation, I slathered my face with Vaseline around 45 minutes ago. For the first time in almost a week, I am not in pain. I can’t believe how well it worked, I could almost cry I am so relieved. :)
Alba un-petroleum does all these things and no petrol chemicals
Apply Vaseline on your lips by night and in the morning rub off the dried skin with a towel and you will have sexy lushious lips all day… You can also use Vaseline to massage your boobs/breasts. I heard it helps to increase circulation and increase boob size during should massage your boobs for 30 days with Vaseline.<3
dont throw away your old eye shadows or pigments you can turn them into tinted lip balms. just mix a little bit of vaseline in a bowl with some pigments and then store in a small container. easy moisturising lip color!
Only if u don’t like to use sunscreen. Vaseline makes for the best tan ever . Be VERY CAREFUL because if you are one to burn. this ill mdeffinatly burn you.If your dark completed you will get the best tan ever.Also butter is great for tanning
It can also be used when hanging suction cups on glass. Just a little though”
no no no no no no no no!!!! petrol chemicals! gross!!! how could you ever want that crap on your face?!?! un-petroleum is the way to go, does the exact same things as vaseline but without the nastiness, please do not rub this junk on your face, it’s horrid
OMG what a fabulous time I have had reading this article and the commentary. I use vaseline after every shower. My legs get horribly dry ALL the time without it. I have never until this evening used on my face or eyelashes, but I am excited to see what happens. I also use it on the metal part of light bulbs and on the battery terminals of my car. Works like a charm!!! P
S. Thanks EVERYONE. Fun read for me. ;-)
I am so going to do #1!!! cnacu6a!!!
I use it everynight under my for my crows feet. I have been doing this for years. I am 48 and people tell me i look no older than it must be working.
I Love this!! Who knew Vaseline had so many uses – I will definitely be using it now on for point 1, 10, and 13!
For those that can not or do not want to use p-jelly, you can use Coconut Oil as an alternative. I don’t know if it will be as useful in all the ways of p-jelly but there it is.
Vaseline is a MUST have for dry, cracked feet! It also works great as a lip moisterizer. (It might just be wishful thinking, but it seems to make my lips look fuller as well). Works great as eye makeup remover too! However, I am a little skeptical about using it for split ends even if it was a very small amount. My son got into my vaseline jar one time and used a GENEROUS amount all over his hair. I learned the hard way (after many hair washings) that the only way to remove vaseline from hair is with dawn dish liquid…..I can laugh about it now, but it really wasn’t all that funny at the time.
I need to use it now
Aliyah is the best
It was a dare
Wow. Idc if it id toxic or not dont fight over it on sone stupid website through comments! Like serously! If u had a life u wouldnt be doing this. So heres a tip. GET A LIFE!!!
No one cares about ur comment either and this website is not stupid. How bout ya get ur own life and some help with spelling!
Hello, I just want all you to know that I too have blog on how to help cure your dried cracked feet with Vaseline….I also have many other unusual beauty tips you can do at home on that blog, so please go check it out at…also if you will, please leave a comment because I do like to get other people’s feedback/opinions
I LOVE vaseline, I had pretty short lashes and I read about using vaseline on lashes, works like a charm, after about a couple weeks I got longer and thicker lashes, though I didnt enjoy when the short lashes started falling off and ending up in my eye but nonetheless my lashes are longer and I’m happy about it, completely worth it.
Vaseline I love you!
I’ve tried a few things with vaseline. Mix sugar olive oil and vaseline and use it as a body and lip scrub. Worked wonders for me. And I use it for my son all the time. I feel its safer than most products. And I use it overnight on my lips so they don’t get dry. But there are so many things. I’m so glad I came across this post. Thank you for shareing
I suggest using Alba Unpetroleum. All natural but the same uses :)
vaseline can also be used if u have tiles in your house where the white seems are get a cloth dab it in vaseline and rub it on the white seem leave for half hour then get a fresh cloth with luke warm water and scrub along they become whiter
Good post , i never knew that Vaseline can be used in so many ways.great product for skin
It’s recommened by my daughter’s dermatologist for her psoriaces(sp?) It’s the best prevetable moisteriser you can use. It’s also found in whip creams and different foods we eat.
I LOVE VASELINE! I have really thick and wavy hair. I mix a tablespoon of Vaseline with Moroccan Argon oil and apply it evenly on my hair. I leave it on for 20mins and wash hair as usual. Hair is silky soft and shiny afterwards. No oiliness!
many say vaseline causes skin to dry out even more….. and ive used it on my lips and its really true, once u stop using it ur lips get super dry! i love putting it on eyelashes but now im afraid it’ll dry those too………. :( idk if its bad for lashes also D:
pls tell me, is it bad? :o
Thanks for the information… I really love your posts… specially those on new news :
Current News Of India
Thanks for the information… I really love your posts… specially those on new news :
Current News Of India
I use it when I get really bad razor bumps around my bikini line. It helps the skin heal up and prevent chafing. (Also, you can use it on pets. If they get a big nasty cut or bug bite, use a little vaseline around but NOT on the wound to keep their fur from sticking to it.)
I am using it for years and my skin is so soft and looks younger for my age..
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Hello all
I used to have really chapped(lack of better word) I went to a skin care specialist. She prescribed a $90 cream. it was a thick white paste like cream. I was supposed to use it after every time i put my hands in water. It was just a hot mess. I could not touch any thing till all of it went away. Needless to say i used may be a 10th of that bottle. Since then, however, I started using vaseline each time I do the dishes,yard work or even just wash hands. My hands are baby soft now. I have done this for the past 10 years. I saw results within 10-15 days when i had first started doing it.
P.S. it does not stain clothes. It washes right out:)
What are the steps for putting it on your eyelashes? Anything specific I should know about?!
I’ve been using vaseline for years around my toenails before I paint them! The extra paint you get on your skin flakes right off, and it conditions your tootsies at the same time!
Has anyone actually done some research on what vaseline is made of? As far as I know it is a by product of making oil. Since our skin is permeable it will be absorbed into the blood stream and is actually harmful to your biochemistry. Angelika, Brisbane, Australia
Does It Help With Or Prevent Stretch Marks?
My motber has used Vaseline to remove her eye makeup since she was a teen and has virtually no wrinkles around her eyes at the age of 58!
Are those real crystals on that Vaseline Jar, Where can I find it??
Not sure. I think you would have to do it yourself. I have looked and looked.
Although that studded jar looks fab!!! ;)
I was wondering if Vaseline would make my eyelashes softer? I am using eye medication that is making them grow but they feel kind of brittle. I’d just like to find something that will soften them. Thanks for any responses.
I would think that it would work to make them softer. Try it out and let me know. I would love to know that beauty trick!
I live here in Ohio also. During the winter our car doors will freeze shut. If you put a slight coat of Vaseline on the rubber of the doors it won’t freeze and you can get your car doors open.
So sad when I heard that petroleum jelly is hazardous :(
I Love vaseline. A great moisturiser……
More like my best friend ❤️❤️
Nice article its very helpfull thanks for sharing