My Thirty Spot Blog Resolutions
Blog re-design. I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I am coming up on two years of this blog and I am ready for a new look. Now, if I can just decide what I want it to look like, that will be half the battle.
Move to WordPress. I know I need to do this. Can’t really give and explanation as to why I haven’t Maybe because I am that person that hates change. I don’t mind blogger, but I want to own my blog and it needs to be done.
Write about motherhood and stuff. This will be done with my own pregnancy. I know that I have not talked about it a lot, but that is because this is not a mommy blog. However, being in my 30s, it is something that most of us want to do or are doing. All my girlfriends are pregnant right now, and I mean ALL OF THEM, unless they just had one within the last three months. So having babies in 30s is what is going on, so I will need to talk about it more. Just not too much.
Write more Thirty Inspiration posts. The posts where I talk about women and what they achieved in life in their 30s. I have done a few of these so far, Oprah, Elizabeth Taylor and Julia Child to name a few. I like writing these, and I think they are very inspiring, they just take a lot of time and research. My resolution is to do many more of these for 2013.
Wonderful resolutions! I look forward to reading along in 2013. Cheers!
I am a new follower (turning 30 this month) and am looking forward to reading more!
ah man, I have to make a bigger efforts to take off my makeup at night too :/ I am so bad with that.
Looking forward to reading you this year.
I love your list :) Good luck hopping aboard the baby train, it’s a fun ride you won’t regret. And I look forward to reading more mommy related posts from you!
Wow! Thanks ladies so much for your comments and your support. I think it will be a great year for everyone! I will definitely be sharing my journey to get pregnant and during. Hope you all don’t get sick of it!