Anyone who has read my blog even once already knows that I am a massive fan of green smoothies. I even named my blog after my signature smoothie! Green smoothies taste amazing, are quick and easy to make, and are loaded with vitamins and nutrients.
Erin is a wife, new mother, and writer behind The Grass Skirt, a total lifestyle blog. She’s also a certified holistic health coach with a passion for all things related to wellness and nutrition. Erin is a self-proclaimed beauty product junkie, a massive Lionel Richie fan, classic television show enthusiast, green smoothie lover, and can never pass up an opportunity to visit the farmer’s market. And even though she’s health-conscious, she’s never met a cookie that she didn’t like!
Twitter: @TheGrassSkirt
great article, thank you for it. I used to love Larabar until I heard they contributed a ton of money against the labeling of gmo’s. Kind, on the other hand is a company I happily support.