While 20s are fun, 30s may keep you a little stressed. Your 30s are probably the busiest years of your life. You may be planning to settle down with your partner, getting promoted with more work responsibilities, buying a house, taking care of sick parents, or maybe even planning to start a family.
Amid all these things, you may overlook what your body is saying to you. But it should not be like this. In your 30s, you go through many physical changes as well. At this stage, you should not disregard any abnormal change because it may flare in the coming few years.
Here are the five health symptoms you should not disregard in your 30s:
Poor sleep quality
Stress, strain, fatigue, and many other issues can affect the quality of your sleep. It is during the deep sleep cycles that the body rejuvenates, repairs, and rebalances itself. Lack of proper sleep can subject you to several stress-related health problems. Hence, if you have issues with sleeping, address them as soon as possible.
Try to develop good sleep habits. Sleep and get up at the same time every day to help your body develop a natural cycle. Stop taking caffeine at noon, and say goodbye to your gadgets at least an hour before your sleeping time.
If your sleep still troubles you, seek professional help.
Poor digestion
Your natural metabolism undergoes some changes during your 30s. It affects your nutritional absorption too. Enzyme imbalance, allergic reactions to certain food items, and certain other issues crop up. Address them before they translate into something severe.
Plan a healthy diet incorporating more cooked food than raw or junk food. Cut down the consumption of gluten or dairy and include probiotics.
If your digestion is bothering you way too much, consult a doctor.
Working extra hours to meet the ends, running errands for your parents, taking care of kids, performing household chores, and juggling too many duties can make you feel drained. But feeling tired and always feeling tired are two different things.
Constantly feeling exhausted is a red flag. It may be due you an underlying health condition, like type 2 diabetes, thyroid, heart disease, anemia, etc. If you always feel low on energy, see a doctor.
Low sex drive
Most women tend to lose their sex drive in their 40s when the reproductive hormones decrease. But if it is happening to you in your 30s, something is definitely wrong.
It could be anything- stress, antidepressants, poor nutrition, certain birth control methods, etc.
Talk to your partner about these changes. Some lifestyle changes and medications can also help.
Memory lapses
Memory lapses are not a thing of old age. Anyone can be forgetful, but of course, if it’s very frequent and for extended periods, it could be something serious, like an early stage of dementia.
Ignoring it can lead to long-term damage to your brain. Addressing it early can help you get the upper hand. So, see a doctor immediately.
The bottom line
Your 30s put you under the pressure of multiple things at one time. It is the time when you make some most important personal decisions, achieve or plan to achieve certain milestones, and overwork to strengthen your financial position. Naturally, your wellness takes a backseat.
While it is easy to ignore a few things, these symptoms should not be ignored for long. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, take a step back, unwind and relax, and seek professional help.
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