Feeling pain is an automatic response via the nervous system. Pain sensitivity is designed to let you know when something is wrong. For instance, walking around with a pin in your foot could cause infection if you couldn’t feel it. Therefore, your body tells you it is thereby causing pain. But while it’s easy to reach for medication, some are harmful or might be unavailable. On the other hand, you might not want to add toxins to your body. So, here are five unusual pain relief methods that can help with mild, non-emergency symptoms.
Cannabinoid Ingestion
You have probably heard of cannabinoids associated with cannabis-derived products like CBD oil from Simply CBD and other suppliers. Cannabinoids are known for their pain relief properties and are highly recommended for joint pains and aches. However, CBD causes side effects, doesn’t taste good, and is expensive. You may not know that cannabinoids are found in other products in high enough quantities to help mild pain. Current research has discovered cannabinoids in black pepper, ginseng, and carrots. But also in dark chocolate. No excuses.
However, the preferred way to consume cannabis is typically through oils or by growing it and smoking it. The latter approach may be more cost-effective over the long term, provided that you purchase high-quality marijuana seeds and follow the proper cultivation procedures.
Biofeedback Therapy
Perhaps among the most unusual ways to relieve pain is using biofeedback techniques. As part of biofeedback, people are taught to recognize the signs and symptoms of emotional distress like stress and anxiety by viewing visual or auditory feedback. Examples of such signs and symptoms include increased heart rate, the elevation of body temperature, and muscle tension. Once you recognize your stressors, you can address them with your preferred stress relief method. The best options include massage, meditation, yoga, and exercise.
Dietary Changes
You will be aware of the harmful food content available. Examples include trans fats, synthetic sugars, and complex carbohydrates. You should avoid or cut these as part of a healthy diet. However, you may not know that all foods contain chemicals. Therefore, some foods heal and foods that harm. For instance, eggs can cause joint pain inflammation, so they aren’t recommended for arthritis. On the other hand, bananas yield antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lactose and gluten products (dairy and wheat) will also cause internal damage.
Four Letter Words
Swearing is as old as time itself, and even the origins of the f word can be traced. While swear words typically started out with rather vapid meanings, they evolved into the bad language we know today. While most people slip the odd swear word, most only use profanity when in distress. Pain is a type of stress, and studies show that releasing your chosen four-letter words when in pain helps you cope. In short, control groups that we’re encouraged to swear while in distress were able to handle far more temporary pain than those who did not.
Acupuncture Treatment
You may or may not want to be penetrated with needles all over your body. However, although acupuncture remains on the fringes of modern medicine and science, it has been practiced for thousands of years. The process involves placing needles into your body at specific points to align energy centers. While many traditional doctors would discourage this, you could find relief from long-term severe pain. Pain such as joint pain, muscle inflammation, and various internal ailments. Some disregard the practice while others swear by it.
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