“When I make more money, I’ll be happy.”
“When I lose ten pounds, I’ll feel so much better about myself.“
“When my boyfriend and I move forward in our relationship, I’ll feel content.”
“When I finish my degree, I’ll be able to relax and do activities that will bring me joy.”
These statements all bank on one thing that is unpredictable, the future. What about the present moment? You deserve happiness in your life NOW. In different seasons of your life, you may notice your level of happiness fluctuates. This is natural. However, no matter how tough the season, you can find happiness. These tips will help you get started!
1. Express your emotions
Expressing emotions doesn’t come easy to everyone. It’s common to fear the consequences of expressing your emotions especially if it has the potential to leave you feeling vulnerable. If you allow the fear to overpower your ability to express how you truly feel, how does this impact your happiness? Imagine how much happier you would feel if you could freely express your emotions to your family, friends, and significant other. No matter what emotion you want to express, think about how you can approach the conversation in a loving, non-confrontational way.
2. Embrace Nature
Even if it’s as simple as a walk in the park, spending time in nature does wonders for your soul and happiness factor! Observe the birds chirping, the sun shining, the trees swaying, and the stream flowing. Embrace the sights and sounds of nature.
3. Connect In Person
Put down the cell phone, tear yourself away from the iPad, log out of Facebook, and meet up with a friend in person. Sometimes, all it takes to boost your spirits and increase your happiness factor is face-to-face time with a friend. Engaging in a face-to-face conversation and seeing their verbal and non-verbal cues that shows they really care does wonders for any bad day!
4. Spend Time with an Animal
Have you noticed that some of the smallest things make pets happy? Whether it’s petting their belly, the afternoon nap, fresh air, scampering in the rain, or putting fresh food in their bowl, they relish the simple pleasures! Often spending time with an animal is an instant happiness boost!
5. Make a Home-Cooked Meal
Especially with the weather becoming cooler, a warm, home-cooked meal seems more and more appealing. When is the last time that you indulged in a home-cooked meal? If you’ve been more than friendly with the frozen food section of the grocery store lately, consider preparing a home-cooked meal at least once per week.
6. Have Tea
Whether it’s rooibos, herbal, oolong, black, or green, choose a tea that nourishes your soul. Allow the experience of having tea to bring you to a place of pure bliss.
7. Let Go of the “Shoulds”
If you could let go of where you think that you “should” be in your life, how would this immediately boost your happiness factor? Your friends may have tied the knot, bought a house, had a baby, climbed the corporate ladder, or graduated with an advanced degree. Even though you may not have arrived at certain milestones where you think that you “should” be, it doesn’t mean that your path is any less perfect. Instead of focusing on the “shoulds,” how can you focus more on what you want to create in your life?
Inspire Yourself
There are loads of things you need to think about when it comes to improving your happiness and trying to make your life better in so many ways. There are a lot of things that you need to come up with that can help to make you happier and more fulfilled. You have so many ideas you need to work on as much as possible, and this is definitely something that plays a part in helping you to improve your life. Inspiring yourself and finding the drive and determination to be better and make positive changes in your life can really help you in a lot of ways.
Getting happier is something subjective, but there are a lot of things that you need to focus on when you are trying to be happier. You need to make some key lifestyle changes that can help with this, but one of the most amazing things to consider here is the fact that you need to work on improving your mental well-being. A great way to achieve this is to make sure you inspire yourself everyday, and there are a number of ways of being able to do this. You could read inspirational love quotes each day, take photos of things each day, or do something that makes you smile.
Lindsay is a Certified Professional Coach who specializes in working with women in their 20s and 30s. She enthusiastically helps her clients take their lives from searching to satisfied. Lindsay will soon launch the Turning 30 Coach membership site. Besides being passionate about coaching, Lindsay loves blogging, experimenting with green smoothie recipes, practicing yoga, exploring hiking trails, and purple nail polish.
Twitter: @Turning30Coach
Blog: http://www.turning30coach.com/blog
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