Happy New Year! Here are 7 fabulous ways to make this year your best!
1. Schedule your annual and semi-annual appointments. Whether it’s the gyno, eye doctor, or dentist, make it a point to schedule your upcoming visits. At the very least, set yourself a reminder to schedule them for the future. Also, you may want to ask your doctor about whether you need any booster shots such as Td which is recommended every 10 years.
2. Use non-toxic cleaning products. Many of the common household cleaners have ingredients that are harmful to your health. Do an inventory of the products that you normally use. You can educate yourself about the potential health effects of using these products by visiting the Household Products Database of the National Library of Medicine at: http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov
3. Stress Less. How does your body react when stressed? Stress can take a physical and emotional toll on your health. Spend some time thinking about a game plan for the New Year to reduce the stress in your life. To get started, consider doing a perspective check. The next time you’re stressed, ask yourself…How significant is this in the grand scheme of things?
4. Make time for regular exercise. How many times have you intended to make more time for exercise, but it just didn’t happen due to other competing priorities? The key is to start small. For example, if you exercise two times per week now, set the goal to exercise three times per week. Once you have comfortably fit this into your schedule, you can add more days if you choose. You are more likely to stick with it if you set goals that are achievable.
5. Eat more whole foods. Consider increasing your intake of foods that have been minimally processed and free from additives or artificial substances. Get creative and have fun trying fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes that aren’t normally part of your diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes). What’s the worst that can happen? You try it, don’t like the taste, and move onJ
6. Socialize! During the winter months it’s tempting to want to stay cozy indoors instead of socializing. Being social is a great way to beat the winter blues! How do you plan on being social this week?
7. Laugh More. As the old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” When is the last time that you had a good belly laugh? Adding a dose of laughter can be as simple as subscribing to a funny blog, watching a comedy, or playing with your pet. How do you plan to add a dose of laughter to your life today?
Lindsay is a Certified Professional Coach who specializes in working with women in their 20s and 30s. She runs a fun and supportive online community exclusively for 20 and 30-somethings who want to figure it all out and fall in love with their life. Lindsay enthusiastically helps her clients take their lives from searching to satisfied. Besides being passionate about coaching, she loves blogging, experimenting with green smoothie recipes, practicing yoga, exploring hiking trails, and purple nail polish.
Twitter: @Turning30Coach
Blog: http://www.turning30coach.com/blog
Twitter: @Turning30Coach
Blog: http://www.turning30coach.com/blog
I love this list and how it is not ALL about exercise! The last 2 are my favorites and I could not agree more!