She LOVES being a mom!
Alyssa Milano, 38, gave birth to little Milo five weeks ago, and already has mommying tips!
Alyssa’s has put together a list of baby essentials that she “can’t live without!” Alyssa wanted to share her knowledge with new moms, and soon to be moms to help figure out what is the best since it can get a little confusing! I linked up each item so you can view easily to check it out for yourself. I really like this list because a lot of her favorite items are all-natural or organic.
Baby must haves:
1 Prince Lionheart Warmies Wipes Warmer – Regular baby wipes have chemicals in them. To make sure my baby is not getting unnecessary chemicals, I’ve been making my own wipes
2 WubbaNub Pacifiers – I’ve been using these since he was two weeks old. No nipple confusion and the stuffed animals attached keep the pacifier in place and gives the baby something cozy to hold on to.
3 Gripe Water – For when baby is gassy because of maturing digestive system and it’s all-natural.
4 Angel Baby Bottom Balm – I use this on my baby’s bum to prevent diaper rash.
5 Triple Paste – For when baby has diaper rash.
6 Fisher Price Tub – The hammock inside the tub is perfect to keep newborns comfortable and safe.
7 Sleepy Wrap Baby Sling – I like to wear Milo throughout the day. Here are the benefits of baby wearing.
8 Swaddle Blankets – I pretty much use these for everything…not just swaddling.
9 Swaddle Pods – I use these at night to keep him cozy.
10 Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper – We decided to get one of these instead of a basinet and he loves the small size.
11 Baby Aquaphor – I use this for everything. Great for mommy’s lips too!
12 Angel Mama Nipple Butter
13 Mother’s Milk Tea – brew a pitcher of this tea, put on ice and keep in the refrigerator. Then sip throughout the day.
14 The Baby Connect iPhone app – Helps me keep track of feedings, diaper changes, sleep times, pumping, plus other caregivers can log into account too!
She has a really nice list of baby items! I would love to chem them all out! Maybe I need them, too not that I am planning on getting pregnant.