Then there’s 39-year-old mom-of-two Ali, who feels the 30s is about a quest for balance (i.e. not going bonkers):
The first word that comes to mind for me is torn. Every 30-something year-old woman I know (mostly married with kids) have had to live under the annoying ‘having it all’ shingle and are made to feel inadequate, whether working at home, part-time, not at all, or being the primary breadwinner. There is so much information, so many opinions out there floating on the Internet; it’s hard to find even a little peace within.
But, Rebecca, 36, has an altogether different perspective, asserting that the 30-somethings are too busy directing our cultural trends and don’t feel the need to be the stars of the show:
I do wonder if the 30-something female is deliberately standing behind the camera. This is the age bracket that some of us make life-changing decisions (i.e. children), and though I am loath to leave women barefoot, pregnant and at the stove, I do think that we take a step back to keep things in perspective. There’s also the fact that most of us did not spend our early teens posting every sloppy detail of our lives to the world (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). It’s no wonder we’re cool with chilling behind the lights and calling the shots.
Merissa, 36, sees this decade as a rediscovery of yourself — but in a blowtorch-to-your-ass kinda way:
One phrase to sum up my 30s so far? In the hot seat. You take an audit of your career, your home, your bank account. You start to take a hard look at the person in bed beside you. You start to take a hard look at your face, the little lines that won’t go away… In your 30s, you find your ‘fight’: What are you willing to fight for and why? Maybe you speak up more. Maybe you make some changes. Maybe things start to happen that change you: children, mortgages, divorce, a parent’s illness. It’s the decade of reckoning, bookended by the ‘explore it all’ 20s and the ‘fuck it all, what’s done is done’ 40s. It’s the hot seat. The time of awakening.
What is your perspective?
Be sure to read the entire Hufffington Post article titled: The 30-Something Female Experience: What Is It Really? By: Eudie Pak
I just featured a few of the perspectives and you will want to read what Eudie says about her 30s.
Nichole says
I read the Huff Post article and it was fantastic.
It’s funny… I never really gave much thought to being in my 30’s prior to your Love for 30 Project. I just kind of “assumed” my place and that was it.
Now I realize that my 30’s are for ironing out or just owning my flaws, coming to terms with who I am and learning to be OK with it all. I am positive my journey has many more twists and turns but I am OK with that because I at least have a sense of self.
My Thirty Spot says
Thanks Nichole, I love hearing that. I think stepping back and evaluating where you are can help you make the next step forward to not falling into becoming complacent. Especially with all that comes with 30s. We are so young still and so much we can do still!
Thanks for commenting and contributing to Love for 30 project!
Lindsay says
I’m new to the 30 club, but I am trying my best to embrace this stage of my life. I really enjoyed this post. You have a great perspective on being 30. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!
By the way, your comment on my blog absolutely, 100% made my day. You are SO sweet & now I get to read a fun new blog, thanks to the thoughtful comment.
Sarah Li Cain says
LOVE this! I feel like this is written for me because I am in the exact position. I think my 30s will be taking the values I discovered while I was in my 20s and putting them to good use. I have a goal to be an entrepreneur and I know that I can align my values with that.
Anonymous says
I will be turning 35 this week. I am starting to speak out more than ever before. I made a vow to myself to put me first and all else will fall into play.Sometimes we learn this the hard way, but if it is learned I believe, it is the key to true happiness.