In our thirties we can hear a lot of different statistics about having a baby during this age. If you have not had a baby yet, and plan to eventually, those stats can feel like they are being yelled into your ear with a megaphone. Especially if you are not ready yet, but plan to start a family in the near future.
There was a study recently that shows that your blood type might be able to tell you if you will run out of eggs sooner or later.
The study showed that type O blood tend to run out of eggs earlier in life than woman with type A or AB blood. If you have been concerned whether you can wait a little longer, or need to get on it, you can actually get a simple blood test that measures your anti-mullerian hormones (AMH.) That test will give you an excellent estimate of how many eggs you have left.
If you don’t have many, but you are not ready, or it is not time yet, you can then decide to freeze some remaining eggs to use when your life is ready to bring a new baby in.
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