How often do you tell your partner that you love them? Maybe once a day, maybe a couple times a week, or maybe you haven’t summed up the courage to do so yet? No matter! Whether you’ve been married for a while now or you’re 6 months into a new and exciting relationship, you can often feel the need to remind your partner just how much you’re into them.
You want to show off your love a little, and do something that’ll put a big smile on your significant others’ face, and no one could blame you for that! Because when you love someone, or you’re falling in love, you want to be there for the other person, and that includes having a celebration every now and then.
So let’s get down to celebration planning. If you want your partner to know how much they mean to you, you’ve got to put together something that has them at the center, and we’ve got plenty of ideas for doing just that below.
Cook Like You’ve Never Cooked Before!
Cooking is something you probably do day by day, or at least a couple times a week. The two of you might take turns doing dinner night by night, or someone cooks and someone cleans up. And in all of this, the two of you have fallen into a very comfortable and cozy routine – there’s nothing wrong with that! But if you want to do something big for them, to show them how much you love and appreciate them, it’s time to cook up a storm.
You can do this with any recipe book you own; pick out two to three dishes the book tells you go together, and make sure you’ve got a bottle of wine in the cupboard too. You might worry about your cooking abilities in all of this, but as long as your partner knows just how much trouble you went to, they’re going to see the love you feel for them in all of your actions!
Pick Something Off Their Bucket List
Does your partner have a bucket list they’ve told you about? Maybe they’ve just told you about a few things they want to do in life before they lose out on the chance to? Because if they have, this is another chance to put together a blowout celebration for them. Pick something off of the list and make plans for it, and surprise your partner with the trip, day out, or evening class of a lifetime.
Of course, you don’t have to break the bank here, and any major decisions need to be agreed between the two of you. But if they want to do something they keep putting off, simply because they’re too nervous to try it out or never seem to have time to do it, why not take all the hard work out of it for them? Surprise them when they come home with tickets to see a certain show, or let them know you’ve signed them up for something they’ve always wanted to do and they won’t be able to contain their excitement, which is always lovely to watch!
Spend the Day Together Outside
Do either of you like the outside world? Maybe, maybe not, but either way, heading out for a couple of hours just to be in nature is a great way to just be together. There are no interruptions, no need to be ever connected to the rest of the world, and absolutely no need to blend in with the crowd. It’s just the two of you going for a hike or a swim together, and that can be a lot of fun when it’s sunny out.
Or if you’re not a big nature lover, why not simply get in the car and drive out somewhere? Head off to a place you’re both interested in and explore, or simply drive and see where it takes you. Think of this as an adventure, with your loved one by your side and some snacks in the back, and block out everyone else for a little while. As such, you might want to save this one for the weekend!
Make a Proper Valentine’s Plan
Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays where you can take or leave the festivity that comes with it. However, maybe this year should be different? Maybe you should commit to doing something special for your partner this year? Even if you just look up some Gifts For Him On Valentine’s Day to find something romantic, and you’ve never really done so before, you’ve gone the extra mile to show your partner that you love them.
Of course, you can both sit down and make a plan together, but sometimes it’s nice to also surprise your significant other with a gift or an evening out they didn’t know about. Make sure the day has stages to it; maybe they have to work in the morning or evening, but when they come home again it’s time to whisk them away somewhere special. A picnic in the park, a night on the town, a cozy day spent together in bed – anything works!
Start a Text Campaign
One text is lovely, a couple of texts are really, really nice, but a whole text campaign to remind someone just how much you love them is off the charts! And that’s why you should think about coming up with one of your own. If it’s been a long time since the two of you did anything romantic together, this is a great prelude to setting something up, and it also just doesn’t take long to put together.
So think about what you want your partner to know; are they going to be simply sweet messages, or do you want them to get a bit naughty in areas too? Plan the times you’re going to send them – a lot of people like to wait until just before their partner gets home, as a nice text from someone you love is a great way to lift the weight of a heavy day. Or maybe you could interrupt their day and get them thinking of you, hey?
Plan a Vacation
How long has it been since you went away? Because now could be a great time to book a little vacation or a mini-break away. And if you’ve got some vacation savings in the pot, why not finally put them to good use? Your partner definitely needs some time away, and you could do with putting your thoughts on hold for a bit, and a few days down in Greece or checking out South America could do just that for the two of you.
Sure, a vacation is something that takes a bit more planning, but even ‘whim’ trips end up being a wonderful experience. And the more you take on together, that you’re not quite prepared for, the more memories you’ll make. Obviously you shouldn’t ever put your partner in an uncomfortable position, but if you know they want to go on vacation, this is the perfect way to make them happy.
If you want to remind your partner how much you love them, and all the little things aren’t quite cutting it, be sure to put together a big blowout celebration. Take some time to plan them, and even surprise your partner in places, and make sure they’re left smiling and laughing and feeling loved by the end of it.
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