I woke up to this sweet sign and flowers from my husband.
My birthday was yesterday. I meant to put this post up yesterday, but you know what? I decided to take a day off and just chill out. I think that is completely reasonable for a woman my age. The ripe age of 34. I like the sound of 33 a lot better. Maybe because it seems a lot closer to early 30s, and 34 seems to be creeping a little too close to the edge of mid-30s for my comfort.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the 30s. Hell, why else would I dedicate an entire blog to them? But the day of birth also gets you to start thinking about things that should be done in your 30s before it is too late. Not to mention my Grandma decided to bring me down to some sort of her reality (before wishing me a happy birthday) by saying “You are getting to be too old to have a baby. Why Haven’t you gotten pregnant yet? You better get on it because you are already too old to be having a baby.” I am sure that most of you reading this has endured this kind of comment. It is hilarious to me because I don’t understand these relatives or friends who feel like they better speak up because they must assume that you have not even considered this fact before. They must think that if they don’t WARN me of my age progression, I will never realize it and then it will be too late.
I get that she is older and back in her day, women were done having children by the time they were in their early thirties. However, I didn’t think she would appreciate some education about women having babies at a lot older age and it will be fine. I just said, “We’re working on it.”
On a less annoying part of my birthday. My sweet husband decided to take me to Sedona, Arizona for my birthday over last weekend. This was particularly awesome for me because of the fact that my birthday is in January. It is a cold month and right after Christmas. No one ever has money after Christmas and it is too cold to really go anywhere. I have never been anywhere for my birthday, ever. It was still pretty chilly in Sedona, but it was such a fun time at a little tucked away resort.
He took me to the Enchantment resort in Sedona. I tried to include as many photos of the amazing views, but this is the type of place that you can’t really fully understand its beauty without visiting.
I really loved this ottoman.
The view from our room.
The Sunday brunch was amazing! Not to mention the dessert bar was to die for. I may have had one too many mimosa’s.
We then decided it was a good idea to go to the resort bar and have a few too many caramel apple martini’s. Needless to say, the night ended early with my head in the toilet. Can’t drink like I did 10 years ago.
What a nice spot!!
Happy belated birthday! I know exactly how you feel. I just reached the big 35 last August. I’m officially closer to 40 now. I gotta live with it.
Wow! Those pictures are beautiful!! Happy Belated! I’m a winter baby too! My bday was on December 31st so go us! Anyway, I’m glad you took the break and even happier you went and had some fun-even if it ended with your head in the toilet. ;) Thanks for posting these pictures and yeah don’t worry about your grandma, they come from a different time and don’t really get it anyway….hopefully we won’t be the same when we get older :)
Happy belated birthday! I know the right after Christmas birthday feeling, too. Mine is on Jan. 15th (I’ll be turning 30). Those pictures are gorgeous.
Happy Birthday! I hear Sedona’s an awesome vacation destination. I know my Grandma means well, and for that reason, I don’t let comments get to me.
Thanks so much ladies for the birthday wishes! Not worrying too much about g-ma. I know that it comes with the territory of waiting to have a baby.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
The pictures are beautiful and it sounds like you had a great time… other than that little drink incident ;)
I know all about those age vs. baby comments. Don’t let it get to ya, you are just fine!
Happy Birthday.
We are almost birthday twins. My birthday is today. I knew I just loved this blog for a reason.
…in addition, these shots are amazing. Just look at the resort, the food, and the landscapes. So amazing.
What awesome pics. Such a beautiful birthday destination. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. Being a mom is a wonderful experience, but doing it on your own terms makes it perfect. I know I’ll be a grandmother some day.
Happy Birthday!!
Side note: my grandma had four babies from 36-42 that was before 1960.
I wonder how a woman who had all her babies before 27 would feel if another woman said to her “Gosh, you really missed out on finding yourself and figuring out who you were? How are you ever going to do that now”?.. Yeah. doesn’t happen does it ;-).