With summer right around the corner, it is time to bring out all those bright colors and the best place to start is with a cute handbag. I rounded up some fab options off bright and colorful handbags for a reasonable price. You don’t always need a brand name to look super cute and fashionable!
1. Target Pink Satchel
2. Downtown Day Trip Bag
3. Aldo Crossland
4. Aldo Ullum
5. Tabitha Stud
6. Olivia Joy
I want a green handbag for the summer. It seems that I am obsessing over it. I also want the Hermes Evelyn but that’s a bit over $100… I can dream right.
Dr. Reginia, I am with you. I am loving the green bag. I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but then again it is a lot cheaper than the Hermes and I think that is why I am with you.
As much as I love, love green – I would love the structure of #4 in #3’s color!!
Ah, that would be a perfect combo. I know that #4 has other colors. I should try something new and get a color, but I love #4 in cream. I really, really, want it. Now to justify why I NEED it.