Sometimes I am tired, and sometimes I’m really tired for no good reason. I have written a couple of other articles on the subject because I am so much more tired than I was even a few years ago, and I want to know why. Is it because I am getting older? Are my nutrients depleted?
Here is a reason I found as to why some of us might be a little tired. It might be a shortage of Probiotic bacteria if you are tired and also suffer with one or more of these symptoms.
- Abdominal bloat
- Puffy face
- Cankles
- Swollen feet
- Hearburn
- Gas
- Indigestion
- Irritable bowel
- Constipation
- Frequent carb craving
If this list has some symptoms you have been dealing with, you can try to fix it with two 1cup servings of yogurt daily. Make sure you pick a yogurt with a label that says ‘contains live cultures.’ Or, you can take a probiotic supplement daily because that sure is a lot of yogurt. To get much of that yogurt in your diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes), try having it in smoothies, use it to make sauces, add to your oatmeal instead of milk, or top your fruit with your favorite flavor for a delicious snack or lunch.
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