Denim overalls. Could it be the return of the ’90s? I know a few of my girlfriends that would be delighted to think this could be a fact. I am sure there are many of us who could go through our stored clothes and find an old pair.
I took a fashion class in college, and I learned that fashion has a tendency of being on a 20 year circle. Some same fashions come back into style at 20 years. That would be about right. 1994 and 2014. Oh boy, did I just age all of us?
Here are some celebs that have been seen recently wearing the denim outfit. It seems that the style has changed a bit. Rolled cuffs, and more of a capri pant leg. Pair with some sandals, ankle boots or canvas shoes. Top it off with a leather jacket, and you have overalls for 2014.
What do you think? Would you bring back the overalls from your past and try to rock them again now? Or are they buried and gone > good riddance?
Oh! My! Gosh! I am really going to be telling you my age, I remember in the early 80’s when I was in High School, Overalls was all the rage but not just blue denim, there was a rainbow of colors. I had red ones. There were green, blue, yellow etc. I loved wearing overalls.