Have you been looking at your home lately and thinking that you need to do an upgrade? Before you throw yourself head first into a DIY project you need to know exactly what you can manage.
Fortunately there are several DIY projects that novice homeowners can jump into without getting in over their head. Here’s a look at some of the main ones you can try to improve the look of your home.
Change the Front Door
You have probably heard that first impressions last, one way to get people to eyeball your home is to change the front door. Your front door attracts a lot of attention and you can make it pop by changing it or even painting it.
If you have no experience with changing the front door then binge watching a few videos on YouTube should do the trick. An easier way to make it stand out is to choose a bold color for your front door.
Making your front door hard to miss and stand out from the rest of your decor is one way to grab attention and make your home one of the most unique on the block.
Make Your Cupboards Unique
Take a step inside your home and into your kitchen, this is the next area you’re going to take on. It’s easy to get spectacular upgrades inside your kitchen without breaking the bank.
Grab a paintbrush and start changing colors to anything that suits your taste. Be creative with your brush. Think of the exteriors of your cupboards as your canvas!
Add your favorite color to the exterior. Decide whether you want to make a statement with your color or if you simply wanted to blend in with everything else that’s going on in your kitchen.
Don’t be afraid to go wild with your colors. You don’t always have to select neutrals and colors that are as boring as watching the paint itself dry. If you want your kitchen to grab attention don’t be afraid to step outside the box when it comes to colors.
Get Colorful Stairways
Your kitchen cupboards are not the only place where you can experiment! Try your hand at using engaging colors on your stairways as well. There’s a common misconception that stairs have to be a boring color.
This is not true especially if you have wooden stairs that you can get creative with. Turn your staircase into a study of the color wheel.
Use colors that appeal to your senses and make you feel warm and fuzzy. You can top that off with a gorgeous carpeting on the landing and any stair covering you use.
Get Creative With Your Walls
Another thing you can do is to get creative with your walls. If you thought your doors were turning you into the twin of Picasso or Van Gogh then wait until you see what you can do with your walls.
Your walls are the ultimate creative ground for a DIY project. It doesn’t even have to take a lot of effort. You can buy decals online.
You can try using decorative decals or you can try decals with bold statements. Many people use them on their walls as motivation. There’s no reason why you can’t too!
You can place quotes from famous speakers on your wall if you find it inspiring. You can also place artwork that makes you feel joyful whenever you look at it on the walls too.
You can even get fake masterpieces as well! Whether you are placing cheap and affordable decals or using replicas of fine art. Let your inner creativity shine through!
Build a Deck
Admittedly, this is a higher end project. However, you should never shy away from a challenge. If you’re good at working with wood and know how to hammer wood together, you are ready for this project.
You are more than competent enough to build your own deck. You may have to watch a marathon of YouTube videos for this one as well, but in the end you will triumph and save a lot of money if you are determined enough.
This is a project where there is strength in numbers, so enlist your friends, family and your neighbor next door and anyone else you can find who’s willing to take on this adventure with you.
After you get that done you can call in a professional to help you set up an outdoor kitchen. There will be a lot of plumbing fixtures that you need to install, you will even need a drainage system like a precast concrete channel drain.
There’s a lot of technical details to navigate here, so you may want to call in the pros for this one.
Decorate Your Walls With Original Paintings
This is an easy enough DIY project that you can try out. Bring out all the decorative skills you learned from kindergarten.
It’s time to create your own pictures. Get a painting by number set with some of your favorite images and go to work painting these. You can then hang them on your walls in groups based on different themes.
For example, if you love The City of Paris you could do a paint by number painting of the Eiffel tower, the arc de triomphe and any other landmarks in the city.
Place these paintings together very closely on your wall, creating a center of interest. Now watch your guest face light up when they see your beautiful wall space.
Update Your Furniture
Give your furniture an updated look that will make you want to sit in that old rocking chair again. By sanding and repainting furnishing that looks shabby you can make it sparkle once again.
This is a great weekend project that you can take on with some of your friends and family. If you have furnishings that have knobs you can replace them with fancy and shiny new knobs that will set the pieces off in an interesting and exciting way.
While you are at it, consider buying some new throw pillows, as well. Match your throw pillows with the new look of your furniture.
It’s also a great idea to revamp your patio furniture if you have any. Spread out some decorative rugs on the floor that will match your furnishings as well if you can.
You don’t have to break the bank to do this. Check out your local dollar store or thrift store to bring some colorful new additions that match your newly revamped furnishings into your home.
Enlarge Your Kitchen Space
Are you feeling a little too cooped up or cramped in your kitchen? If you answered yes, then it’s time to try to make as much space as possible even if you consider your kitchen to be very tiny.
There are a lot of fun DIY projects that you can do to enlarge your kitchen space.
If your kitchen island looks like one of those tiny remote islands on the map of the Caribbean then you can expand it. You can make a nice board surface that you can put across your sink and use that as an area where you can chop and cut food whenever necessary.
Of course, you’ll be able to remove this board to any corner of the kitchen you want when it’s not in use. Your new island will be your special little magic trick that no one else has to know about.
Are you now ready to save even more space in your kitchen? It’s time to do something climbing.
You won’t need to be a rock climber to make use of this suggestion but you must be willing to climb. This is because you will be installing shelves in your kitchen. It’s okay to have a section of your wall with shelves that are very high.
Just make sure that it doesn’t look tacky. When you have shelves that are high this is where you can hide those delicious candies from the kids until you’re ready to give them a special treat. This is also where you can hide all the food that you may not want to eat because you’re on a special diet to get skinny during or before the end of summer.
Whatever you decide to use them for, shelves in your kitchen are never a waste as they give you more space and reduce clutter on the ground area.
Get Excited!
Are you ready for a DIY project ride that will sail you into uncharted waters? There are a number of DIY projects listed here that you can get excited about.
When you have your friends and family over you want to make them gasp and become curious about all the things you have been doing to make your home eye-catching and the talk of the town.
When you have a lot to do to make your projecta come off without a hitch, the best thing to do is to get started with a few of the ideas here and then once you think you have scored an A on a project, you can move on to your next. This way you will not be overwhelmed or break the bank.
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