If your child is finding school too easy or if they are constantly not applying themselves then this could be a sign that they need to be challenged. You need to give them the educational support they are looking for and you also need to try and help them to push their academic boundaries too.
Free Classes
A lot of libraries will offer free classes. This could involve learning about various cultures or even having a discussion on a book. Depending on the age of your child, you can easily take them to events like this while also encouraging them to learn. The best thing about doing this is that it will help them to connect with other like-minded children who have the same interest.
Encourage your child to keep a journal, or even ask them to write a short story. Comic book creation is a fantastic way for them to express their creativity while also helping them to expand their literacy skills. You can also teach them how to create a strip and how to develop characters. Little things like this can really help them in school and it also gives them an outlet to focus their energy too. If you want to engage them more in technology, then there’s plenty of software that you can download. This will give your child the chance to publish their work online. If you’re having problems such as Mac sound not working or even if the display on your computer isn’t working properly then it’s always worth getting it repaired by a professional, so your child has an additional learning outlet for the future.
Board Games
Board games are ideal at addressing higher-thinking skills. Take Monopoly for example- you will need to learn how to manage money and you will also need to give change. As if that wasn’t enough, you will have to think strategically and not overspend. If you have a great game but you think that the aspect of play is too difficult then change the rules so that it caters to them. This is a great way for you to change things up from time to time.
Track the Weather
Give your child the chance to use weather instruments, or even encourage them to make their own. This will give them the chance to make predictions based on the information they have, and it can also be rewarding too. If you have never done anything like this before then you could make it into a parent-child project.
Help Nature
Go into your garden, what do you see? If you are creative enough then you’ll have a host of materials to work with. You could try and look into the wildlife that resides in your local area so that you can cater to their needs. For example, hedgehogs often need burrows or dens made out of thatch and brambles, so that they can take shelter from the cold weather. You could work with your child to create something like this and you can also track the results. Little things like this encourage them to care about the world they live in.
Having trouble with your tween? Tips To Help You Get Through Your Child’s Tween Years.
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