Gorgeous Drew Barrymore, 39, covers the June issue of Redbook magazine and opens up about juggling it all. From being a new mom to 2 daughters, running her own production company and acting, she explains how she does it, and the trials along the way.
On raising her daughters to understand responsibility: “I would really like to raise kids to do summer jobs and intern, and understand that if you are supposed to be somewhere at 3 o’clock, you need to be there at 3 o’clock.”
On making time for her girlfriends: “I fight to carve out the time. My friends are such a priority because they were what I had for most of my life. We are really close. I wish we could play more often, but everyone is so busy it’s insane. But to go over to each other’s houses on a Sunday to check-in, just get on the phone and talk: ‘How are you? Do you need anything?’ Really trying to be there is important. If I was ever in a bind, no one on the planet would have my back more than my friends.”
On what is important to her: “I would love to have long, thin arms. I really would but I don’t. I can run a company, so maybe I am just going to have fatter arms and run a company wearing sleeves? That is my balance; nobody gets to have it all. I would take wearing sleeves and running a company. Not that running a company is the key to happiness, but while I may not be tall and thin, I am capable.”
On being nervous to be a mom for the first time: “The first time I was really nervous the whole time. I definitely chose my battles. I don’t like to bother people,” she explained. “If it was something important or I was really worried, of course, I would call the doctor. But I was not that patient. I would just panic quietly inside.”
On her husband, Will Kopelman, being her perfect match: “Knowing his personality and what he finds humorous and attractive and appealing, I’m like, ‘Okay, got it!'”
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