Evidently, according to this infomercial, as soon as you hit 30, your whole body is shot to Hell, and everything starts sagging. Luckily for us, there is facial flex that only takes minutes a day (I think, I’ve lost track) to get the smile lines and wrinkles to virtually disappear!
I am not sure what to think about this product. I don’t know how this company approved this video to be seen by the public, unless one of the benefits is to become intoxicated the longer it is used. I am not sure if the romantic Hispanic music is a pre-requisite to using it and seeing results, but is sure seems as though this lady is enjoying it. I think I got the gist how to use it after the first 5 seconds, but I guess she thought it would be great to talk about the product while exercising her jowls.
Maybe this works, maybe it doesn’t. There seems to be a lot of positive reviews, but they all seem fake to me. I guess if you are willing to shell out the $50 – $60 then you can try yourself. I mean for girls our age we need it right?
hee hee–I actually have one of these (I’ve had it for MANY years). It actually DOES do a great job of making those muscles around the mouth pull the corners up into a light smile. I can’t say that I’ve ever used it consistently through the years, but when I get on a jag, I look happier without trying. Crazy, I know. My husband’s even commented about it after I did around 120 reps, because my mouth was different for a bit, before the muscles relaxed a little. I don’t have wrinkles, so I can’t attest to that part of the claim, but the rest is something I’m happy with (when I remember to do it).