It might be more than just not getting enough rest or down time. It could be a health problem that can be easily recognized by just a quick check of your body. Most of the issues can be taken care of with some supplements. I mean, I am only in my 30s. I know what tired is after having a baby, but lately I have been struggling. Here are some quick fixes I need to start to implement stat!
Here are some symptoms to look for that may be making you tired:
Irritated, red eyes. Might be a vitamin A deficiency which is essential for the health of your eyes. Vitamin A nourishes your eyes tiny capillaries that can be linked to red, scratchy, can’t focus, tired eyes.
Fix: Start with your diet and add vitamin A rich foods like orange and green vegetables or fruit. Or take 1000 iu of vitamin A daily.
White flecks on your nails. Could be Zinc deficient. Studies show more than half of us are zinc deficient and it is responsible for hair and nail growth. It also helps your body convert food into cell energy. Check your nails, if they are speckled then that is a red flag.
Fix: Take 20mg. to 30 mg. of zinc supplement daily to rev up your energy levels.
White patches on your tongue. Possibly an overgrowth of yeast. 33% of women with patches and exhaustion have yeast overgrowth. Yeast grows if it gets too much sugar or on antibiotics, and the toxins produced can drain you. It is called a thrush and produces a yeast infection on the tongue! Ewww!
Fix: Add 2 cups of non-acidic foods to your diet daily. Yeast can’t thrive if there is no acid so try eating broccoli, peas, zucchini or other non-acidic foods to stop the growth. A quicker and more effective method is taking soil-based probiotics to manage yeast in the microbiome on an ongoing basis.
Swollen or sore tongue. Might be an iron deficiency. 1 in 5 women are low in iron. If you are tired and your tongue is acting up that is a sure sign. If you don’t have sufficient iron then your red blood cells can’t nourish your tissues properly.
Fix: Try getting in 4-6 ounces of protein from beef, pork, poultry, or fish. It is twice as effective in absorbing iron than from plant foods. If you don’t eat meat then 15mg supplement can give you the same results.
Small half moons on your nails. Could be another sign of a sluggish thyroid. A small or non-existent lunellas- half moon area at the base of your fingernail are a big sign of thyroid trouble.
Fix: Get it checked with your doctor and ask about taking 200 mcg. selenium supplement daily which reduced a inflamed thyroid.
No more tired times.
Image: graur codrin /
One could also be dehydrated. Lack of H2O can cause fatigue.
That is a good tip Tori. Thanks for the tip!