I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Archetypes through Burst Media. While I received compensation for this post, all content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Being in our 30s, we are women who know what we want and what we like. We know what works for our own sense of style and we have gone through a lot of ups and downs to figure it out.
We don’t need shows, commercials or even celebrities to tell us what the trends are, what we should be wearing, cooking, decorating or doing. We got this. We know what we like when we see it.
It is refreshing when a company comes along and really gets it.
I just discovered a new website that wants to give you information, stories and also offers fashion, beauty and style suggestions based on your personality and “Archetype.”
Archetypes.com is a new social media website that is not like any other. By taking a quick personality quiz, it helps you discover your personal lifestyle platform and cater your likes and wants. Archetype offers suggestions on anything from products you might like to stories you may be interested in reading.
It’s also a social network to meet new like minded people that may share the same interests and personality traits as you.
Getting started with the website is super easy. Just fill out some login info and it will bring you to your quiz. It will ask you a series of questions to find out a little about you, and let you know your Archetype.
Once you finish the quiz, you will instantly receive your results of what Archetype you are based on the answers you filled out. I didn’t know what to expect with my results, but now that I have learned about each trait on my wheel, they make total sense and the stuff that is being shared with me on my page is exactly up my alley. The geniuses behind the curtain must really know their stuff!
Here are my results of my Archetype quiz and my personality traits:
I am caregiver, royal and creative. I think they got it pretty spot on.
Now when I check out my profile, I can see what great stuff is being recommended for me based on my Archetype. It can be anything from style, beauty, fashion tips, recipes, interior design and even crafts that I may like.
I can also set up a network of new friends that I share interests with.
Now that I shared my Archetype with you, I want to know what yours is! Hey, we may have a lot more in common than we knew! We can also friend each other and share great stuff we find.
- DISCOVER more of what you love: products, entertainment, stories, and more.
- EXPLORE your archetypes and understand yourself (and others!) better.
- CONNECT with people who share your archetypes and get their recommendations on stuff you’ll love.
It’s time to enter for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card, just by sharing your Archetype through Twitter or Facebook. Share your results using the social media links on the results page and be sure to include these hashtags to win: #MyThirtySpot #Archetypes #whatsyours
Thank you to everyone who entered and found their Archetype personality and checked out this new website! The winner of the $50 Visa gift card is Kymberly Pray.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Archetypes
Twitter : @Archetypes_com https://twitter.com/Archetypes_com
I’m a creative/intellectual/tastemaker! But I think in reality I’m more of a creative/caregiver/intellectual. Your circle diagram is much prettier than mine! :) xo
I’m 45% Caregiver/ 28% Advocate/ 27% Creative! Shared Results Via Twitter https://twitter.com/reinaheather/status/382871890483634176
Evidently I am more well balanced then I thought (or as defined by this program at least).
39% Creative / 35% Intellectual / 26% Visionary
It is true that I have the artistic ability of Michelangelo, the brain of Einstein, and bear a striking resemblance to Elle McPherson. Hahahaha.
Tweeted my results:
Facebook post:
I’m 41% Caregiver 38% Tastemaker 21% Advocate
I shared my results on Facebook:
50% Creative, 29% Tastemaker and 21% Caregiver
Shared on FB and twitter
46% Explorer
You’re drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. You take journeys, not vacations.
29% Intellectual
You’re the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks.
25% Creative
You appreciate all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who you are.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kim.henrichs.5/posts/10152215256337646
Shared on twitter here:
[email protected]
60% Caregiver
Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, you find your reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
30% Intellectual
You’re the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks.
10% Explorer
You’re drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. You take journeys, not vacations.
~mia dentice carey
[email protected]
with hashtags
41% Creative
You appreciate all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who you are.
35% Intellectual
You’re the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks.
24% Spiritual
You seek a deeper meaning. For you, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, you have a strong sense of moral obligation.
34% spiritual
33% advocate
33% creative
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I shared on Twitter https://twitter.com/iammeuc/status/384009059231211520 I got 50% Caregiver 32% Spiritual 18% Advocate
64% Intellectual
23% Visionary