If you’re worried about a teen driver with a fresh new license, then it’s worth stepping up and doing what you can to make them safer and responsible. While there are more conscientious teens out there, the generalization sticks for a reason. You need to go beyond their driving education and make sure they pick up these tips on the way.
The importance of focus
A lot of new drivers have limited experience of the actual driving environment. The driving lesson and test is a more controlled environment and they have someone there to remind them to keep their focus on the road. For that reason, you need to ensure that they know the risks of distracted driving. They need to avoid using their hands for anything but driving and set rules for any passengers that ensure they don’t have their eyes taken from the road.
The financial side of owning a car
You may help your new driver pay for their first car, or they may have savings lined up for just that event. However, the expenses of a car can go a lot further than that initial payment. As such, it’s wise to sit down with them and help them put together a budget that looks into the loan repayments, insurance, gas, and setting aside money for maintenance. You can also teach them how to cut costs, such as using black box insurance or getting more from their gas tank.
The care their car deserves
There’s essential maintenance that a car simply cannot go without. The car will come with a logbook that shows how often it should go in for specific inspections at the garage. However, we can prevent a lot of the expenses of repairs if we are also more equipped to perform a little DIY maintenance and repair, as well. Spend time showing your young driver how to do simple tasks like changing the oil and the spark plugs.
The dangers of the road
The statistics on car accidents show that every single driver is likely to experience an accident. In fact, in one state alone, there were 12,338 vehicle collisions for a single year. As such, your kid should know how to deal with such an accident. They should know to check that they and other drivers are safe, first, but then get in touch with the emergency services, their insurance provider, and an attorney immediately.
What to do in a breakdown
Though we may not think of them as being as dangerous as a collision, the truth is that they lead to more road accidents and fatalities than you might think. As such, every driver should have a plan to deal with a breakdown, including an emergency kit with any supplies that they need and a breakdown cover service to respond to them ASAP.
It doesn’t matter how young, old, experienced, or otherwise, you are: everyone is at risk on the road if they don’t take the time to learn. Take that time with the new driver in your life.
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