The holiday’s are over, and the winter seems to have just begun. This is the time when the winter blues set in. Nothing like sitting on the couch in your pajama jeans wishing you had enough energy to put some real jeans on. The sky is constantly gray and my mood is Ka-Rank-Eee. What is there to look forward to now? Valentine’s day? Ugh, I think I will go back under the covers. So what do we do now? Everyone gets a little mild depression sometimes, but there are some ways to not make the blue so dark.
- 1 Tbl Liquid fish oil – This simple suggestion can reduce the blues by 67%! Your brain needs these fats to help produce mood boosting neurotransmitters; dopamine and endorphins. The liquid form is quickly absorbed and there will be no fishy taste left in the mouth, I promise.
- Eat french fries. Or any type of potatoes. The starch in the potatoes help move the amino acid used to make your brain’s own anti-depressant.
- Take a 20 min walk. Keeps your serotonin up by 5 hours.
- Get a seasonal affect disorder lamp/light. 20 minutes of this light can do wonders for the sunlight you need.
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