Why am I so intrigued with this new product? Maybe it is the fact that I only wear sweats when I am at home, and maybe I would like to bring some different options into my wardrobe. I might be able to get away with going to the store if people “think” I actually put an outfit on. I just want to be comfortable, is that so bad? To my disappointment they seem to only offer these “jeans” to people who are 5’5″. As much as I would like to be comfortable in case a flood comes, I would prefer to have my pants go past my ankles. I also think that the price tag is a little high, but they do throw in a ratty gray t-shirt. Maybe they will let me negotiate and they can keep the shirt and give me a better price for these blue sweats. I already have plenty of t-shirts with neatly placed stains on them. I read an article where the writer wrote that this product scared the bejeansus out of her. I totally disagree, but maybe 10 years ago I would feel that same as her. Does that mean we have given up?
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