When you are in your 30s, you feel like you are in your prime. You don’t think that you are going to get ill, so you maybe do not pay quite as much attention as you should to your health. This is a really bad idea.
The reality is that any of us can become unwell at any age, and as we get older, we are more likely to get sick. There are some conditions, in fact, that you should be particularly on the lookout for in your 30s, including the following:
Lumps and bumps
If you find a lump or bump on a part of your body that was not there before, then you absolutely must get it checked out as soon as you are able, Most will turn out to be cysts or other benign issues, but cancer risk does start to increase in your 30s, so it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Low sex drive
Women tend not to hit their sexual peak until their 40s, so if you are experiencing a low sex drive in your 30s, it could be cause for concern. There are a number of conditions, including stress, anxiety, anemia and being on the wrong birth control, that can cause you to lose sexual desire, so it is absolutely not something you just have to learn to live with. Your doctor will take you seriously and investigate every avenue, so please do not be too embarrassed to speak to them.
Hearing loss
We tend to think of sound perception and hearing loss as something that happens to much older people, but increasingly, people in their 30s and 40s are suffering from hearing loss, often related to listening to too loud music with their earphones. The sooner you catch hearing loss and get a hearing aid fitted, the better your outcome is likely to be, so if you notice you aren’t hearing quite so well, be sure to visit an audiologist asap.
Memory loss
Memory loss is something else that we associate with much older people, but brain fog is not an uncommon symptom of many illnesses including anemia, which is very common in menstruating women, diabetes, depression, and a whole host of other ailments that often develop in your 30s. Get it checked out.
If you feel tired all the time, and that tiredness persists no matter how much sleep you get, then it’s time to have it checked out. Fatigue can be a symptom of everything from diabetes to heart failure, so it is never a good idea to ignore it. At the very least, you should be looking to have blood tests taken.
If you want to live a long and healthy life, then you really do need to start taking better care of your heart in your 30s and beyond, so be sure to be on the lookout for these symptoms, and get them checked out right away if you have them because it is always better to be safe than sorry.
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