If you have been trying to keep chemicals out of your home, or just want to save a few bucks, you can start to make your own fabric freshener. I am not sure what chemicals they put in Febreze and to be honest, it is not my favorite smell, I would like to have a fresh smelling home, but more options than just the “traditional.”
Here are two options to make your own home freshener. You can choose the one that suits your fancy the best. Both need a small spray bottle.
Option 1
What you’ll need:
1/4 cup liquid fabric softener such as Downy
3 3/4 cup warm water
Mix together fill spray bottle and spray at least 6″ from fabric.
Option 2
What you’ll need:
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or vodka
Essential oil
1 cup water
Fill the spray bottle with 1 cup water and 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or vodka. Then add the essential oils. 30 drops to start. You can mix the oils to create custom scents.
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