Oxi Clean is made up mostly of Hydrogen Peroxide. Here is a recipe to make your own at home. It will help your home be Green, you don’t have to worry about breathing in chemicals, and it is also a lot less expensive.
- 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide
- 2 Tbs of baking soda
- 1 Tbs laundry soap (liquid or powder)
- 4 Tbs white vinegar (optional) helps for removing smells
Pour into a spray bottle.
Spray on stains – even old ones, let it sit for a minute and use a towel to pat dry. They hydrogen peroxide bubbles and brings the stains to the surface. When dry, vacuum thoroughly.
If you are interested in using an Oxi Clean recipe for laundry the recipe is a little different.
- 1 cup hot water
- 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
- 1/2 cup WASHING soda
Baking soda will work, but it is not as effective. Washing soda has a pH of 11 (with 7 being neutral), while Baking soda has a pH of around 8.1. So this is great for clothes, but I wouldn’t wash you cloth diapers in this.
This mixture will be effective for 6 hours, so there is no need to make a big batch. You can also just throw the mixture into your washing machine with your whites and let them sit for awhile. Or, in a bucket overnight for whiter whites.
You will not want to keep it in a light colored spray bottle, nor will you want to keep a large amount on hand pre-mixed, as the mixture will break down and become less effective. It’s best to mix as you need it for best results.
Thanks Mandy. That is a really good point!