One of the most debilitating conditions that anyone can have is anxiety. You’d think that the Big C and other physical ailments may be more debilitating, and you’d be right in some ways, but anxiety is crippling. It takes hold of your mind, manifests in your body physically and you’re left feeling like a shell of the person that you really are: all because of an irrational fear. It doesn’t feel irrational, of course, but an anxious brain is far more dramatic than one that can think straight.
The key to a healthy future is to combat your anxiety as much as possible and the way to do that isn’t always easy. You need to take control where you can, to ensure that your anxiety doesn’t take control of you. You may think you need medication, and that’s a sensible thing to do – to talk to your doctor – but medication can often exacerbate the problem. You could have a look at your nearest online dispensary for natural medication, but if you’re not practiced, you may not know what to look for. Instead, you can start to learn how to shake of the shakes and get through your anxiety with the seven tips below:
1. Dedicate yourself to beating your anxiety and mean it. You need to remember that anxiety is a mental health issue, and you can beat it if you keep your mind focused on the task at hand. Put in the time and effort and you’ll find that you’re going to be in the right frame of mind to beat it day by day.
2. Take the decision to exercise better every day. Natural happy hormones are born as a result of exercise, and you can benefit from those happy hormones. Anxiety can be beaten with the right exercise, as you’re taking care of yourself while burning off the adrenaline.
3. Remember that nothing in your life is going to be too insignificant to worry about. Don’t dismiss your own feelings and you’ll learn to cope with them faster and better every time.
4. Look into the face of fear and accept it. If you face your fears, you’re going to get on much better than if you ignored them. Anxiety is based on fear, and most of those fears are irrational. Once you remember that, you’re going to be able to beat your anxieties.
5. Sometimes, it’s good to remember that a little bit of anxiety is a good thing. For example, the anxiety that surrounds whether you’re going to get a promotion or your sports team is going to win – that’s the good kind at work.
6. There are times where remembering you only have one life to lead can help. Do you want to spend it buried in anxiety? Make a conscious decision to find out how you can get rid of feeling so worried. Do what you can to relax as much as possible – you won’t regret it!
7. Choose to be selfish sometimes. You need to work hard to get rid of anxiety and sometimes, that means choosing you! Be selfish and reap the rewards.
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