Getting all of the kids together for a play date, can sometimes get a little chaotic. Especially if you want to plan something fun, and include an activity. Face painting can be super fun for the kids, and the adults, and can actually go smoothly without too much mess. We have some tips and ideas that can help so when everyone leaves, it doesn’t look like a tornado came through, and you will be the hit with all your friends. You can choose to do this in your home, in your backyard, or make it a field trip and head to the park!
Tools from the craft store:
Face paints in 4-5 colors
3 brushes of different sizes
Face crayons or skin safe rubber stamps
From the drugstore:
Makeup Sponges
Hair Ties or Headbands
Wet Wipes
From the Grocery Store:
Plain Cupcakes
Vanilla Frosting
Food coloring
Invite your guests:
The ideal age of the kids is 5-11, however, some 3 and 4 year olds that are mature should be just fine. Especially if you are not the only mom. If you are the only mom, try not to have more than 7-8 kids.
Buy Your Supplies:
Only buy paints made specifically for face painting that can be found at any craft stores. The label needs to say nontoxic and FDA-approved. You also want to look for non-acrylic so they don’t irritate the kids skin like plastic based paints can.
Skip the glitter. Even if it says that it is safe for the skin, it is not safe for children. They can rub it into their eyes, and into your carpet or get it all over your house.
Setting up your station: Make sure you have a chair or stool for the kids and you can choose to stand or use a straight back chair that is comfortable. Cover your kids clothes with a towel or smock. Hair ties or headbands for their hair, wet wipes, few cups of clean water to clean the brushes and hand mirrors so the kids can see their painted face!
Get your paint on: Divide the kids into 2 groups. Group 1 can line up to get their face painted from the moms who volunteered, and group 2 can work on another activity. Give the kids 2 to 3 kids to choose from and allot about 5 minutes per child to paint. Have them sit up as straight as they can and you can nestle their chin in your hand for a steady canvas.
Paint Cupcakes: This can be the second activity if you choose. Get plain store bought cupcakes without frosting and have the kids choose different colors to frost them with. Use the food coloring to dye the vanilla frosting the night before, and have a couple of color choices to choose from. Let them paint the cupcake with pastry brush or spreader. You can put the frosting’s or “paints” on an inexpensive painters palette or white platter.
Butterfly Face Tutorial
Two Minute Tiger Tutorial
Easy Superman Tutorial
I’m glad you specifically said not to get acrylic paints and gave the info about them being FDA approved. I’ve seen lots of face painting done lately with craft acrylic paint and it wreaks havoc on young skin! Thank you!
Thanks Elizabeth, I also think it is important that moms know that info. I have seen that too, and it is terrible!
Thanks for commenting!
i really love your rainbow palette in the butterfly tutorial. Where can i find one like that? Or did you create it yourself??
thanks so much for the fun ideas!