CBD has been one of many products surrounded by rumors and hearsays. Throughout the years, many supporters have made an effort to bust every myth existing using both science and research. However, there is a kernel of truth when people speak of CBD being counterfeit. Only the ingredient itself is genuine, but not the companies that try to profit off of many unsuspecting, innocent customers.
Just like every product out there, there are scams and counterfeit CBD products. Some use other harmful chemicals in place of Cannabidiol as the main ingredient, and others put so little of it customers can barely feel the effects. Recently, a scam company selling CBD gummies even sold their product under an icon’s name (read more) without his consent. So far, the FDA has taken legal action against these scams, but they advise customers to be vigilant and careful.
Brief Overview Of CBD
Cannabidiol is a compound found in cannabis, mainly from marijuana and hemp. It’s one of the hundreds of other cannabinoids inside the plant, but this particular compound is heralded to be the future of cannabis use. Unlike its counterpart, the infamous THC found abundantly in marijuana, Cannabidiol is harvested in hemp and doesn’t cause psychoactive changes to the user. It also doesn’t cause any addiction or dependency when frequented or used for longer periods.
Cannabidiol is processed best through CO2 extraction. This process can conjure the purest form of CBD with little to no contaminants present. Unlike other choices, such as ethanol, CO2 extraction makes use of a solidified Carbon dioxide to bring out the CBD oil in hemp. Of course, the quality of the oil, like in Cheefbotanicals cbd products also heavily relies on hemp quality. That’s why companies like that source locally with farms that adhere strictly to policies.
This CBD oil will then be used and infused in many products. The most commonly used form of Cannabidiol is the oil itself, as it can be placed in food, eaten directly, or used as a topical for wounds. However, many companies have opted to make separate products using the oil, such as CBD dog treats, vape juice, prerolls, and even medicinal balms and skincare products. Every since its freedom back in 2018, many supporters have expanded on the use of CBD.
Signs Of CBD Counterfeits And Scams
1. Too Cheap
Contrary to what many may think, when it comes to Cannabidiol products, you get your money’s worth. That’s why if you find yourself snagging a great deal with a shady company or one that’s just starting up, you need to question everything. Why is it cheap? Is it because of the poor hemp quality or the lack of sanitization when manufacturing the product? Is it because of the poor packaging?
One thing you need to remember is that Cannabidiol products are not cheap. The most inexpensive ones you’ll get can still even be considered very pricey for many people. This is because of the manufacturing process, from buying hemp, extracting Cannabidiol (link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercritical_fluid_extraction) bottling it, and finally packing it can be both time-consuming and financially draining. It doesn’t make sense that a company will willingly sell you Cannabidiol products for cheap unless they’re counterfeit.
2. “Too Good To Be True” Health Claims
If your chosen company begins to promise impossible things their CBD products can do, such as a cure-all, that should serve as a huge red flag for you as a customer. If you’re a beginner at Cannabidiol, it’s important to read up about the compound and products first and educate yourself with what CBD can and cannot do. It certainly isn’t a cure-all, but it isn’t a hoax either. It has its limit, just as any traditional medicine or alternative treatment has.
So, if the company claims their product can cure cancer, immediately reconsider buying from them. Cannabidiol products cannot cure cancer, but some researches suggest they can help alleviate many cancer symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. It can also suppress inflammation and bring pain relief faster than traditional drug therapy. However, it cannot, in any capacity, erase the disease in an individual’s body.
Although there is a possibility it is merely the marketing team’s fault for falsely advertising the product, you still have reason to doubt this company. Always remember buying from them also means you’ll be entrusting your health to them. Why would you choose a company that ill-advertised their product and not do their research for it thoroughly? If they are reputable, the company would have never deceived you for higher sales in the first place.
3. Mind The THC Amount
If you’ve done your research, you’ll be aware the legal amount of THC in every cannabidiol product is less than 0.3% only. Some reputable companies, to ensure the customers of their quality products, don’t even take the risk and process their products 100% THC-free. Always check the label for the THC amount, as well as the 3rd-party lab results on their site. This lab result will present how much THC they have in their product.
If their lab results aren’t public, or if they refuse to release it, you can be sure they’re hiding something and most likely are scams. This lab result, after all, is a requirement for legitimate companies to meet to get recognized by the FDA. Their COA will also show their legitimacy, and if the company refuses to release their Certificate of Analysis as well, forget about buying anything from them.
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