‘The Office’ star Jenna Fischer, 37, just gave birth four months ago, but don’t expect her to be running around in size 2 jeans any time soon. Jenna shared at the SAG Awards that losing the post-baby weight is slow-going and she’s totally fine with that.
“Let me please stand in solidarity with all of the women who are not a size 2 six weeks after leaving the hospital. I thought, you read all of the stuff in magazines like, ‘Oh, I breastfed my baby and I am so skinny now.’ I am breast-feeding my baby and I am not getting any skinnier!”
“I think I’m just going to be a little bit bigger for a little bit longer,” Fischer said, “and that’s fine with me.”
Jenna also shared that it’s a little easier to leave their son to attend the SAG awards, because they have an awesome sitter:
“It took a special occasion for us to leave at first, but we have a babysitter that we really trust now, so I feel like because of that, tonight we can really relax and have fun. We’ll check in and make sure Weston gets to bed OK.”
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