Working in an office can make you sick. Lets be honest. People only take sick days when they are not sick, and come into work when they are hacking up a lung. So germs are everywhere. If you have an office kitchen you may or may not have noticed that your coffee cup is missing, or has been used. Even if you have a specific cup design or your name on it won’t stop some of those klepto co-workers. Just the thought of it skeeves me out. A company has come up with a solution to stop thieving co-workers. Lock Cup has a plug at the bottom that can easily be taken out when it is being washed in the dishwasher. You can be assured your mug will be there when you need it because without the plug it won’t hold a beverage. You hold the key and can feel safe that your co-workers have not put their mouth all over it, unless you are not liked very much at your office. I don’t think there is a guarantee for that yet.
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