I now have an excuse to use my new Starbucks cup that will hold a whole bottle of wine. It will help me live longer!
A study that was released recently show that when more than 1,800 adults drank a moderate amount of alcohol-up to one daily 4-oz. serving for women and two servings for men. It showed that it makes it 45% more likely to live a longer life. 51% more likely than those who don’t drink at all.
Reason for this is credited to your behavior. It showed that people who drank in moderation are usually healthy all-around. Healthy habits like exercise, healthy eating, do not smoke and spend a lot of time with their friends.
Another fantastic benefit to drinking wine is, a study showed that moderate drinkers are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. These symptoms can raise your risk of heart disease and stroke. Much more than heavy drinkers or non-drinkers.
So fill your wine glass and cheers to your health!
This is the greatest news I have heard all day!! I love my wine and cheers to good health!!!
Well, this makes me feel much better about my one glass of wine a night habit! :)