The workplace can be hell on your health! Long days on your feet or at a desk, staring at screens and communicating with rude customers, and then not being able to get home until incredibly late into the evening. All in all, holding down a job is universally exhausting, and could be reducing your chance at a long and healthy life!
Which is why it’s so important to stay aware of how you’re feeling within the workplace. And if that’s something you’re interested in at this point in your life, check out our tips below.
Stay Hydrated
We need to be hydrated at all times, and yet we can so easily forget to do so when we’re in the midst of work. A coffee first thing in the morning, some water or juice with your lunch, and then you don’t get another drink until you’re home again – that just won’t do!
Why not pack a big water bottle for your day at work, and slowly sip through it until it’s empty? It’ll certainly make you feel stronger and like you can get on with more when you need to.
Get Some Sun
Being cooped up in the workplace all day isn’t good for you, obviously. But are there any opportunities available for you to get outside and get some sun? Not only will this be good for your vitamin D level, but it’s also incredibly motivating as well. A little bit of outdoor exposure goes a long way to helping you feel good in yourself, and should never be discarded in favor of another 10 minutes at a desk!
Reduce Noise as Much as Possible
Noise can be harmful to our senses, even if we don’t realize it. And when we’re in the workplace, it can be pretty noisy at all times! Even within an office, the sound of traffic outside, whirring office machinery indoors, as well as a moving level of conversation at all times can make it hard to focus your own thoughts.
In the long term, it could even impact your hearing ability. It’s why personal headphones are recommended, but if they’re not for you we can help you choose the right hearing protection that’ll ensure you can block out the background noise for your own good.
Talk to Your Coworkers
It’s hard to work well at a job where you feel alone. You need support with your mental health too, and that comes from making good friends who are in the same position as you. And no matter where you work, you can develop a camaraderie with someone on the same shop floor, kitchen, or office cubicle. Strike up a conversation about what’s on TV, or ask if they want to go for a drink after work, and see where it goes from there.
Your healthcare can really slip when you’re at work. Stop the long term impacts in their tracks right now and get hydrated, get outside, and start a conversation!
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