I just got home from Blissdom, a blogging conference that was held in Dallas, Texas and is one of the bigger blogging conferences to attend. There are a lot of brands, companies, education, speakers and entertainment. Just like they say, it is always bigger in Texas. I have been to a few conferences before, but I have never been to a blogging conference like Blissdom. There were about 700 attendees with so many ladies from all over the country (and Canada) that had so much to bring to the table of their experience and knowledge.
Blissdom seems to pride themselves on getting the bloggers to really get to know each other, participate in meeting each other and not just letting anyone feel left out or left on the sidelines, even if they came by themselves. I came by myself and I felt that there were many girls that came alone and that made me feel better. I also was so excited to be asked to be a community leader.
As a community leader I was to be in charge of a few round table sessions, and to include and welcome ladies that have maybe not been to Blissdom before, or came by themselves. I loved being a community leader because I enjoyed meeting the other community leaders and possibly offering some help and advice to up and coming bloggers.
If you have never been to a blogging conference, I think that Blissdom is a great one to attend at least once. I can not tell you how many women that literally just started their blog last week, or going to start it soon and was just looking for advice and see all that goes into blogging.
This year, Blissdom was held at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, TX. It was a beautiful resort and everyone was so nice. This resort was like it’s own little city. It was inside glass windows and had restaurants and the spa and everything you would need. I never left the hotel for the 4 1/2 days. But I didn’t need to!
The ceiling of the resort. Glass windows with the Lone Star.
Not a very good pic, but look at those stars!
Lots of learning and lots of socializing. Had a lot of opportunity for mingling and getting to know other bloggers and brands. I have never met so many brands at a conference, and it was so exciting to meet companies that love and appreciate working with bloggers and getting your foot in the door for a possible working relationship.
The entertainment at Blissdom is bar-none. On Friday night out we were entertained with Chris Mann from “The Voice” and the amazingly talented Amber Riley from “Glee.” Blissdom really wants you to get your money’s worth and they did not disappoint.
I met so many fabulous women, but there were some that really stuck out and that I feel I will keep in touch with after this conference. If you really make and effort, you can find those diamonds in the rough that you really click with. It doesn’t happen with everyone you meet, but it is so nice when you meet the ladies that have the same blogging goals as you.
Top left: Me, Rachel and Mandy
Top right: Mandy from House of Rose
Bottom left: Taylor from Pink Heels Pink Truck
Bottom right: Rachel from Soybu.com, Bre from Obagi skincare and Mandy
I heard that there was a little drama surrounding with some ladies, but to be honest, I guess I was oblivious because I did not experience any. However, I am a little older than some of these ladies, and I’ve been there done that in my 20s. Conferences are what you make them, and if you just sit in the corner and feel sorry for yourself, it is not going to be fun. I know it can be hard to reach out, I am an introvert myself, but in fact one of the speakers had an entire sessions on how introverts change the world. I think we are all a little introverted in some way, but that shouldn’t hold us back.
You can check out all the recaps of this conference here. I am sure you can read about some of the drama, and ladies who had a great time.
This was my first time in Texas, I still was surprised at the humidity because it is early spring, even though it was very faint. My hair did not want to cooperate but my skin started to look fab! I was glad to be coming home and getting back to the sunny AZ with the dry weather. It was so, so windy when I left on Sunday and the guys at the front desk said “this is Texas.” I was surprised by that, I did not think that it would be so windy. I was nervous to take off, but the flight was fine and glad to be home! I am now trying to catch up on work and sleep! Oh man do I need a nap!
Nichole @justsomejane.com says
It sounds like an awesome conference! I would love to go to something like that because who doesn’t want to improve their blog!!
I’ve been to one of the Gaylords in Baltimore for a different type of conference and wow… aren’t they spectacular!?
Welcome home!!! xo
Dr. Reginia says
This looks like a fantastic conference. I hadn’t ever heard of them but I’m off to research it now. I love conferences.
My Thirty Spot says
Hey Nichole and Reginia, I definitely recommend checking out some conferences for blogging. They have helped me so much and the connections are priceless. Besides, I would love to meet both of you IRL! Bloggy Boot camp is a conference that is all over the country and is coming up for 2013. I can keep you both posted about others.
Sprittibee says
Glad you had fun and so brave of you to come out by your lonesome! Come see us in Texas again! ;)