It has been awhile since I have written about “My Currents.” The last time I wrote was back in September and I wrote about how I was trying to not get sick from my husband. Well, of course, I got sick. Very freakin sick. For a few weeks. It was rough. But I am back to my blogging self and busier than ever.
If you follow me on Instagram, (and you totally should, but I mostly post food and cat pictures,) you already know that I went to Vegas for the blogging conference Bloggy Boot Camp, and it was fabulous. If you are a blogger, I have to say that going to conferences help more than you know. Even if you are shy, or you don’t know anyone, the information you receive from people who are professional bloggers is priceless. I always get amped up after, and I always come away with information that I never knew to apply it to my own blogging ways.
I am happy to report that I am still training for my 5k. I should be upstairs right now doing today’s training, but instead, I am putting it off. However, I am happy to say that I have lost 15 pounds. Very happy about that. On my way to getting pregnant soon! Well, by soon, I mean next year.
Happy to all. Here are my currents for this Saturday:
Time: 5:55 p.m.
Place: Home
Eating: Nothing, but just finished devouring a recipe that will be featured next week. P.S. Lots of butter and it’s a perfect yummy dish for fall.
Drinking: Crystal Light
Watching: Deadly Women on Investigation Discovery
Reading: Twitter
Wanting: To take a nap.
Thinking: Should I cleanse? Should I not cleanse? Ugh.
Creating: Blog posts. Catching up on blog posts. So much photo editing, so little time.
Hoping: That the number doesn’t change and it is right.
Needing: To go upstairs and do my training for my 5k on my treadmill.
Wishing: I was ready for my 5k now.
Listening: To an announcer at the nearby high school. What the heck is going on over there on a Saturday night? Does he really need to scream his head off to make a point?
Feeling: Happy and thankful, and it has nothing to do with it being the month of Thanksgiving.
Wondering: If it will last.
Loving: My husband.
Congrats on your weight loss (see this insane transformation)! You will be ready for that 5k in no time!
Thanks Nichole! Your support really means alot to me! I am on my way, as long as my ankle doesn’t give out! But I think I can push through!