It has been awhile since I have written a post about “My Currents,” and it is more than due time. I also had a request for a post on ‘my currents’ from one of my dearest friends, Courtney. I of course don’t want to disappoint, so here is what is going on.
It has been about four months since I wrote the last ‘my currents.” A lot has happend since then. My husband has recovered beautifully from his ACL surgery. He has been working super hard to get his knee back to working order and is still going to physical therapy each week to make sure it is super strong.
I am sure you have noticed, that since I last wrote, I updated my blog design (even though I have a short attention span, and I am ready for a new design.) and I also launched two new blogs. and Needless to say, I have been crazy busy getting these up and going. (I am always looking for contributors for both, so if you’re interested, please let me know.)
Other than that, I have just been on the diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) train and trying to get baby body ready. We are hoping to try soon for a wee little one.
Hopefully there are more of you other than just Courtney who enjoy these posts. I will try to post more often.
Time: 3:51 p.m.
Place: Home
Eating: Nothing. Just had some limeade and soup. Still keeping those carbs away from me. :(
Drinking: Limeade, oh yeah, I already said that.
Watching: The food network on a Pizza show. Am I torturing myself with watching carbs on tv? Yep.
Reading: On what is the best cruise to take. Husband graduation gift I think.
Wanting: A pizza. Damnit.
Thinking: What I should have for dinner.
Creating: Blog posts. I have three to make sure are done every day! Say what?
Hoping: I can get a hair appointment while I am in Salt Lake next week.
Needing: To work on my posts for three blogs for when I go to Salt Lake next week. Ugh.
Wishing: I had a pizza in front of me.
Listening: To these New Yorkers travel around the country trying all types of pizza. (how many times can I type pizza in this post?)
Feeling: Thankful that I already worked out today because I feel I need a nap.
Wondering: If I will get to see all my loved ones while I am visiting home.
Loving: The weather, it has been quite a rainy summer, and I love it, and I am so happy that we are on the downturn. Ready for 80 degree weather everyday!
And I know you all have been missing a super cute cat pic. It has been too long!
Thank you for this. Love you much!