10am – I had a full glass of water. Just to get my day started. I also squeezed half of lemon into the water. It is not on the detox, but I read somewhere that this is a great way to get your metabolism started. Besides, I am never hungry first thing in the morning. I don’t really have Mr. Jay’s sched, so I am just going to do the same timeline, but at different hours.
11am – Well, I am starving now, and I don’t want to have a protein shake. Maybe Mr. Jay knows what he is talking about, and that is why he says to drink a shake right when you start your day. Huh. Well, I started this thing, and I already bought a whole shitload of fruit, I can’t go back now. So, I make myself a double. A double serving that is. I guess I just don’t follow the rules. Could I be messing up the flow of toxin’s out of my colon? We’ll see I guess.
3pm – This isn’t going so well. I am not keeping on the schedule, but Mr. Jay, I am a blogger and I have a lot of things to do and I can’t run to the kitchen every five seconds. So I had the 6 oz. protein shake. Just a little guy. I am not drinking enough water.
6pm – My husband came home from going to school all day, so I made him dinner. I wasn’t that tempted. I tried my best not to taste the cheesy potatoes that I made for Easter dinner. I reluctantly succeeded. I’m hungry but it isn’t unbearable. I decide to work out to help get my mind off of food. I walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes then took a shower.
8pm – The salad. I wasn’t hungry after I worked out, as I never am. This salad did not have a speck of salad dressing and it tasted like the best thing I have ever eaten. Unless you know me, you can’t really understand my love of salad dressings. Any kind will work, but of course the creamy one’s are the fave. Of course, I wouldn’t be needing to lose some pounds if I was fine with dry salads. But surprisingly to me, the avocado and lemon juice was perfect.
My salad yummy-ness:
3 oz. chicken
Calcium caseinate
Sodium caseinate
Acesulfame potassium
Evaporated cane juice
Artificial flavors and/or colors
I apologize for the quality of this pic. I took this for Instagram. I was so hungry by this time, that I completely forgot to grab my camera before I dug in. Hopefully I won’t be too ravenous tomorrow to grab the camera.
On to tomorrow with lots of fruit. Do I feel a headache coming on? Uh, oh.
Continue to read the rest of my three-day experience:
My Three-Day Fat Flush Experience Day 2
My Three-Day Fat Flush Experience Day 3
The salad looks amazing! YUMM!
xo, tasha
twenty-something blog
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Yay! A detox just in time for my visit so we can get crraazyy on the food front! Love you bee eff. xxoo
If my powder has fructose and natural and artificial flavor will it be ok to use?
I would think so. It isn’t as recommended, but you could see how your results are.