Day 3. Headache gone. That’s all I care about. However, I have to admit to you all that I did have a small cup of coffee in the morning. I couldn’t help it. I am not that type of girl who “has to have her coffee, or else she will claw your eyes out if you try to talk to her.” But I do like a nice cup of joe a few times a week. My husband was really tired and had to go to school all day, so I made him some coffee and decided, “a little cup won’t hurt.” So there it is. Did it screw up my cleanse? I don’t think so. It’s not like I was using this cleanse to get off caffeine. I have done that before, and it is a nice feeling to get it out of your system, but this was a smaller cleanse that included eating, so I didn’t feel like it would hurt too much. So, a cup of coffee with a little bit of half & half and a little bit of Splenda. Oh-freaking-well.
Yesterday was a busy day. Lots of people in and out of the house. So I couldn’t always follow the “eat every 2 hours” rule. I will have to chalk this week up as a starter week. I think this is a good way of eating. I have every intention of starting this again on Monday after my best friends leave. I have a feeling there will be quite a few cocktails flowing this weekend and I will need to clean them out again to get ready for my mother-in-law to come next weekend. If you live in Phoenix, you know that this is the time of year that everyone comes to visit before the thickness of the heat comes in just a few weeks.
So it is a busy time for sure, and it is hard for me to diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) during these times.
However, I want to look cute in summer dresses, so a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
So, after the three day cleanse, I am down 5 pounds. I’m happy with the results and happy because I saw some loss, and I didn’t think it was too difficult. I think it is a good way of eating.
Fruit, protein and vegetables. I can see how just drinking the shakes the first day is hard because you go from your regular eating schedule, to just drinking your meals all day. Also, just eating fruit can seem unfulfilling, but it was helpful to know that I could eat a salad with some chicken at the end of the day, so that helped me continue.
I think presentation is everything to me. This looked so amazing that I was excited for my fruit lunch.
Here is my sched for day 3:
10am – My heavenly cup of coffee. It was glorious.
11am – Tall glass of water with lemon
12pm – Strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, banana
1pm – Glass of water
2pm – The rest of my fruit that I didn’t finish.
3pm – Water
4pm – Nothing – oops – I was outside doing yard work.
5pm Water
6pm – I had just done a lot of yard work, so I was really hungry so I had the protein shake that I was suppose to have with dinner now instead.
7pm – Mineral water
8pm – Arugula salad with chicken.

Chicken – 6 oz.
Avocado – 1/2
Tomatoes – 2
I really think that I could eat this way for a few more days now that I am in the swing of it, but I guess I will sacrifice for my best friends. However, I thought it was a great cleanse. I feel lighter, and even though these cleanses (especially this short) usually just help you drop water weight, I was happy when I my pants were almost falling down yesterday.
I think that it is something that can get you jump started to a nice weight loss (new science-backed research) regimen.
If you are thinking of doing this cleanse, I recommend it. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you can follow my schedule next week since I have been posting pictures there of what I eat too. If you don’t follow me at those outlets, you might want to. I have a feeling I will be posting some shenanigans with my bf this weekend.
Happy Thursday!
In case you missed it:
My Three-Day Fat Flush Day 1
My Three-Day Fat Flush Day 2
I would like to know how much fruit do you eat at each sitting? Would like to try it, but not sure what is the proper amount.
I would like to know which protein powder you used that is free of Casein
Calcium caseinate
Sodium caseinate
Acesulfame potassium
Evaporated cane juice
Artificial flavors and/or colors
The first day explains which protein shake to use. The Jay Robb protein powder.
Theres no point writing this experience online of fruit flush as she even didnt follow the rules strictly. She had coffee, medications and she even hasnt started at 8am to drink the protein shake or even eat the fruits. And whats with the lemon water in the morning? although i know the benefits of that, its not even a part of the fruit flush diet and so if you make a review make sure you follow everything 100% as if it didnt work on you well then you dont have the rights to do negative verdicts.. you just made your own version of fruit flush diet.
She very clearly states what she did differently and no where does she give this cleanse a bad review. In fact, she says she likes it, and will try it again. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. Nobody made you read this.
I very much enjoyed reading this, I liked reading from the perspective of someone who didn’t follow it to the T, if I were to try this is probably wouldn’t either. At least not the first time. Thank you!