There was a time when I never drank soda. I felt so proud of myself that I didn’t put all that sugar and calories into my body. Then, I met my husband. I can officialy say that I was addicted to soda. My husband is a drink lover. He gets really upset if there are not at least 5-8 drink options to choose from. I did well when we were first together, choosing water and tea. Once we lived together it went all down hill. I can say that I was addicted to sugary, carbornated 4pm pick-me-up. My go-to drinks; orange soda, Mountain Dew, Cherry Coke, rootbeer. Of course the sugary of the sugar drinks.
So, I decided I wanted to get off of it, but I didn’t know if I could do it cold turkey, so I went to the dreaded diet (eat this, NOT this) soda.
I have never liked diet soda so it was never a problem for me to just drink water but now I need my carbonated flavor drink. I tried a few and found my FAVORITE! Sierra Mist All Natural Cranberry Splash. I love this freakin drink and it does not even taste like diet. I don’t feel like I am being deprived when my husband is enjoying his beverage of choice. I also like Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper but this one takes the cake.
What diet drinks are your favorite?
See what I mean? This is my fridge. There really is nothing in there but drinks.
As you can see there are not any diet (avoid these 4 mistakes) because I ran out last night. Time to get more before I dip into this sugar treasure chest.
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