When trying to find the perfect shadow pallet for your eyes to make them really stand out, just remember, Opposites Attract. That is super important when you’re trying to pick the most flattering eye shadow colors.
Here’s a cheat sheet:
Green & Hazel Eyes – Red is the opposite color of green, that is why red lips look so lovely on a woman with green eyes. But for your lids? You can’t do red, so the best eye shadow color for green eyes and to make them pop is colors that have the red undertones, like deep plums, wine and reddish brown. They will really compliment emerald eyes. If you are looking for a more neutral shadow, maybe good for work, try Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in BR306 Leather—a genius, one-step cream-to-powder formula in a warm brown hue.
Blue Eyes – Orange is the opposite color of blue so anything with orange in it will make blue eyes pop and stand out. You don’t have to go bold, anything that has a gold or warm orange undertone will do the trick. Try a shadow that has undertones of color like apricot, peach, gold, copper or deep ivory. A good pick would be Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in OR313 Sunshower.
Brown Eyes – Brown is a neutral color, so any color will look nice. But if you want the most pop for your brown eyes, go for blue and purple. Just be careful with those color selections so that the shadow doesn’t clash with your eyes. If you want to try a pink, make sure they have gold and brown undertones. A pretty choice would be Chanel 83 Illusoire—a taupe purple.
Grey Eyes: Charcoal, cool brown, earthy greens and purple. Grey is also a neutral color, so you can get away with a lot. Any color will really compliment the color of your eyes, but those colors will make your eyes look the best. Try a pretty shadow like Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in GR708 Moss
Bonus – This might sound like a weird trick, but I read that using lip gloss as a one-step color with shimmer can really pick up the light. It is best to try to find an all-natural gloss without a lot of chemicals, preferably organic. This would be a great trick in a pinch or if unforeseen plans came up and you only have gloss in your purse. You could also dab a little on your cheeks for some added color. Photo Chart Credit: Total Beauty
For blue eyes try a bronze top and blue eye liner.
I would be afraid to use anything remotely close to orange on my blue eyes. I think it would make my eyes look red.
Hi Judy,
Thanks for commenting. You should try it, you might be surprised. If you are concerned with orange, try a bronze color.
I don’t agree, i have green eyes and I would never see myself wearing redish eye shadow!
I use gold or browns on my blue eyes.
I have brown eyes & I love to wear purple
I have hazel eyes and always wear plum or purple to make them pop green. It works a treat. I wear browns to make them browner and for going out i apply a little gold glitter eye liner on the inner top eye lid. Really lifts them for a special occasion night out.
Please help me. I have a brown eye and a blueish/ green eye. I want the blue/ green eye to pop!!! No one has been able to answer this question! Lisa….
But what about eyes that kind of do their own thing? I have weird dark brown eyes that turn bright green sort of on their own, and vise verse. I have red hair, and I have to wear a red dress for a formal event. What do I do?!
You would be fine to wear brown or green eyeshadow. For your event, you could use a brownish green eyeshadow to bring out the tint in your eyes, and green is a good color for red hair. If in doubt, you can always use a brown eyeshadow with a little gold glimmer for bright eyes.
Good luck!