Switching to a silk pillowcase is the best thing to do for your face now that we care about anti-aging. Actually, the best thing to do is to not sleep on your face, but a lot of us have made it a habit to sleep on our side or stomach and it is hard to change that habit while you sleep. However, if you can try to change it and sleep on your back, then that would be the best thing. Sleeping on your face creates lines since you’re in that position for a few hours because your face is squished against the pillow, and over time can turn into wrinkles.
The second best thing would be is to sleep on a silk pillowcase because the silk wouldn’t create lines on your face in case you happen to roll over. Satin slides against the pillow to prevent skin bunching.
Another benefit to this silky case would be that it does not absorb the natural moisture from your face or from your nightly moisturizer like a cotton pillowcase does, and helps your face stay hydrated. And we know at this age we should all be using a good moisturizer at night to keep our face smooth and of course beautiful.
Don’t forget your hair. By sleeping on a silk pillowcase, it helps your hair from becoming a tangled mess, and it is also helpful to protect your hair from getting dry and brittle.
Here’s to a good BEAUTY sleep.
I have tried sleeping on a satin pillow case but I ended up with neck pains due to pillow moving due to the satin being so slick. It was a cheap Sateen pillow case though! Do you have a certain brand you would recommend? I probably just need to suck it up and spend the money and buy me a silk one….LOL!
Wow! I’ve never thought of the importance of a pillowcase for anti aging. I usually sleep with cotton pillow cases and had several experiences waking up with lines on my face and hands. Just thought it was normal ~ well until I read this article. Thanks for the info