Ladies, there is a new website online that is similar to a USA phone book, but it has way more information on you than necessary. It has all of your personal information from your age, phone number, address, a google map picture of your house, age, listing of who lives in your household, pictures from social networks you have posted, home value, debt, even your approximate credit score. The website is Remove yourself by searching your name, copy the URL of your page, then go to the bottom right corner of the page and click on the Privacy button to remove yourself. You will have to confirm your removal by clicking on a link that they send to your e-mail, so it does need to be legit, but you can always set up a new e-mail accont (can also be used as a spam account) through Yahoo or Google and confirm the removal. That way you are not giving this company any more of your information that they can just pass along to who knows who.
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