Have you seen this yet? Real snakeskin mani and pedi’s? I mean real as in, that is real snake skin that has been sluffed off of a snake and glued onto your nails. I thought it looked awesome when I first saw it, but then I learned it is old skin from a real snake and it kind of skeeved me out a bit. But hey, to each their own. It does look pretty cool if you can get over that fact that you have dead skin carcass on your fingers.
Yeah, they are charging about $150 – $300 at salons for this? That is insane to me, especially because I can’t see how it would stay on longer than a few days because of the texture. You can actually do this on your own if you know anyone that has any dead snake skin lying around. Maybe the Zoo can help you out. Or if any of your friends work at a pet store. Just do a base coat, place the skin on your nails and use some small scissors to cut it to the shape of your nail bed. Then put a thick top coat on. Easy peasy, and way cheaper than hundreds of dollars!
Yay or Nay?
Looks hot but the idea and cost is ridiculous! I don’t think it will catch on!