I have been watching ‘Pregnant in Heels,’ this last season, and I find it so interesting. It is a great show on Bravo if you haven’t caught it yet. It is a reality show about Rosie Pope, 31, and her Maternity Conciere service. Rosie basically runs around New York helping soon to be mom’s get ready for mother-hood. Some of the requests are normal, like baby proofing, and throwing a baby shower, to fulfilling outlandish requests, like hiring a full makeup and hair team to get the mom ready in the hospital room, to another couple who has Rosie hire a focus group to help decide the name of their child.
Rosie has an interesting story herself. She has had a difficult time getting pregnant with a second baby. Rosie has a condition called Bicornuate uterus. It is basically a heart shaped uterus, which can make it difficult to get pregnant, and depending on the severity, can not leave a lot of room for the baby to grow. It also makes the percentage of mis-carriage and stillborn rate higher than normal. Rosie had been on IVF for some time, because then she found out that she just stopped ovulating out of nowhere. The IVF was successful, but unfortunately it ended in heartbreak when she suffered with an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in the end of the pregnancy and removal of one of her fallopian tubes.
Perseverance is what Rosie and her husband had. On this week’s show, Rosie was not feeling well, so she went to the doctor and found out that she was pregnant in between IVF treatments. It all happened by accident and not from the IVF. It was truly a surprise and miracle.
Wellington “Wells” Reade was born February 5, 2011, weighing in at 8lbs, 8oz and joins big brother JR, 2 1/2. A perfectly healthy baby boy.
“I feel like the luckiest person in the universe to have this baby sitting in front of me,” says Rosie of her baby boy. “He just feels really special to me.”
“You just have to keep going,” she says. “Miracles really do happen.”
Thank you for reminding me that a little patience is in order. :)
You are so welcome. There are so many women who deal with infertility, but that doesn’t mean they should lose hope.
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Like Rosie, we were told IVF was the only way we would get pregnant. And like Rosie, it happened on it’s own. It took 5 years and was a complete surprise, but it sure is nice when you get that little miracle!
We are trying right now. First baby I lost about 6 years ago and found out I was RH negative when I was with my ex. I was found out I have the ‘heart’ shaped uterus. So now I am with a very amazing man I love with all my heart and praying someday to have a lovely little bundle. -Audrey