You always see posts on making gaming safer for kids. But you also need safer gaming advice as you get older because your body and mind change and you are no longer a spring chicken.
Make Yourself Comfy
First, get yourself comfy, especially if you like to play for long sessions. And if you play online games, then you know that things can often take some time. For instance, you need to get yourself ready for the long haul when looking for decent Minecraft SMP servers that haven’t gone dark. A gaming chair is your best bet for comfort. But even these can be somewhat unreliable. To enhance it with a footrest, a but cushion, and memory foam or gel armrests.
Take Breaks for Food and Water
You must take breaks when you play for longer hours. Your body and mind aren’t what they used to be. And from the age of 30 onwards, you will see a marked decrease in your gaming performance, as you are fragged immediately by every 11-year-old on Call of Duty. But you can make sure you can get them back by taking breaks to rest your brain. Also, keep your concentration flowing with water-based hydration (no energy drinks) and protein snacks.
Use the Sit Position for Safer Gaming in VR
According to the latest figures, around 170 million people play VR games. And VR is the pinnacle of immersion. The PSVR2, for example, is amazingly immersive with games like Resident Evil: Village. But VR gaming can take it out of you because you need to move a lot. And as an adult gamer, it can hurt your ankles, knees, and arms. Fortunately, most VR games have an option for playing them by sitting, so the game’s UI and gameplay are adjusted.
Protect Your Eyes and Ears
There are many ways in which your eyes and ears can be damaged from playing games. And as you get older, these can deteriorate anyway. So you must protect yourself. First, invest in good quality over-the-ear headphones, such as Sony’s Pulse 3D. Also, use automatic volume adjustments on your console or PC. Further, take breaks for your eyes if you sit close to the screen or use VR. And use blue light-blocking accessories to prevent headaches and eye strain.
Invest in Controller Accessories
Of course, even sitting and using a controller can be painful if you are getting older. This is because your hands aren’t as nimble as they once were. And some controllers can feel smaller, slippery, and hard to manipulate. However, you can get cheap accessories to help you. For instance, you can install controller grips to keep it steady. You can also attach thumbstick grips to prevent slipping. The increased size also means you can apply less pressure to move them.
Gaming safety isn’t just for kids. It applies to all. So as you get older, you can help yourself with a comfy chair, using the VR sit position and accessories for your eyes, ears, and hands.
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