This might not be a surprise to all, but I have to tell you, when I first heard about this, I thought to myself, “Genius!” This did not even cross my mind and it makes such a difference!
Like any gal, I love jewelry. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to be that girl that only has 24K gold and sterling silver in my jewelry box, but unfortunately the budget doesn’t allow for that…..yet. (That’s me putting it out in the universe!) I would also love to buy the jewelry that goes for $100+ or more for a beautiful piece, but sometimes I have been known to run to Forever 21 for some cute jewelry to wear that night or for a trip. Now we all know that some of the costume jewelry lasts about one to two wears before the color starts to rub off and turn your finger, wrist or neck green. Then, that jewelry piece usually ends up in the garbage because of my frustration.
Recently, I purchased a Michael Kors look-alike watch at New York and Co. I wish I could have all the Michael Kors watches in every color. It is my dream present (hintity, hint, hint hubby.) But I can fake it in the meantime, I was excited to find a faux Michael Kors watch. I love it and I get lots of compliments but I noticed that during a super hot day my arm would sweat and my beloved watch started to leave a green circle on my arm. Same thing happens to some bracelets and rings I had recently purchased (as you can see above). Here is the solution:
- The jewelry you want to save
- Clear nail polish
That’s it! Just paint a coat or two of clear nail polish on the back of your watch, inside your rings and bracelets and the outside of your necklace chain. It’s that easy and so obvious. Like I said, some of you probably knew this, but I figured if I didn’t know, maybe some of you would appreciate the tip. It works so great! It creates a nice layer that keeps the original color of the jewelry on the piece and off your skin!
*****Another great tip to use the clear polish: When you have jewelry with small crystals, you can also use the clear nail polish to keep those little bling pieces from falling out. Again, just paint a layer or two of clear polish on top and it will keep your bling in place.
Thank you for sharing this because I have plenty of F21 pieces and I end up just throwing them away once they run their course. I had no idea I could just do this when I first buy it and now I am going to go ahead and get started. :) Thanks girl! :)
oh my gosh! i can’t believe I never thought of this!!
Brill! :)
Great post! I have plenty of inexpensive jewelry and this advice is so dang handy! Thank you for sharing!!
I also use the fingernail polis because I am alergic to something in the metal and most jewlery causes a rash.
You’re allergic to the nickle, real gold can slo have nickle in it.
Maybe its the type of fingernail polish I used but I tried this trick once… the polish peeled off after about a week :( Any suggestions?
It has to be clear nail polish, not top coat.
Thanks so much @Talia and @Holly for commenting.
@cjknick – I tried this the first time with a really cheap top coat and the same thing happened. It turned the polish green and peeled off. I used a higher end top coat this time and it seems to be working a little better. But if it peels off, I will just re-apply. I haven’t had any issues yet.
You do not use top coat, it has to be clear nail polish, yes top coat is clear but it isnt the clear polish, top coat cracks and peels it off :)
Hi fellow greenies! I also tried this with less expensive polish and it did not work, however, higher end polish worked pretty well. Here’s my question: how about the new Gel polish products that are out there? I LOVE it on my nails – why not on my costume jewelry watch? Has anyone tried this? Life is good!
great tips!
i tried this before and peeled.
Thanks for the he info. Blessings!!
The nail Polish flakes off. .. I’ve been doing this for a while and have to keep painting it… Any other solutions?
That actually depends in the quality of your polish. The better quality, tge less chance it will flake off. Good luck!
The nail Polish flakes off. .. I’ve been doing this for a while and have to keep painting it… Any other solutions?
Would spray polyurethane work?
I don’t see why not. I would definitely give it a try if I were you. Love to hear your results.
Did you try the spray polyurethane?
No, I haven’t. I should though.
can i put clear nail polish on the face of my watch to prevent scratches?
I wouldn’t. It could dry blurry, then hard to see the time.
I have a fairly large ring I’m trying to protect and I’ve tried clear nail polish before — it just doesn’t hold up well enough. Does anyone know if sealing a ring with mod podge would work? I’ve done a lot of googling and there don’t seem to be any ready answers.
I wish I knew, but you could try on another piece of jewelry that you don’t care much about to see if it worked. I think that is actually a really good idea. I would love to know the results.
i make jewelry, then own & wear TONS of jewelry >> everything from Platinum with Diamonds to (ooh on sale for $1.oo.. i”ll take it!) much cheaper pieces.
i know about the nail polish trick, have done it often (some clear art sprays work as well ie.. the kind used to spray a pastel piece) but i didnt lnow to use it on the Bling, so def. thx for that.
my q. is is their any trick u know of for long necklaces or intricately designed ones that for me at least, take too long to paint each section with the small nail polish.
any tips appreciated?!!!
Pop your long necklaces in a solution of 1tbsp bicarbonate of soda, 1/2 cup of warm water, leave for 5 minutes and dry with kitchen towel, carefully wiping, it doesn’t stop it from tarnishing but it gets rid of the tarnish. Also, put jewellery on after perfume to protect it from chemicals.
I have a necklace with pottery piece and it rubs against my clothing. If polyester knit will produce those little balls of fabric. Any suggestions?
I’ve had 100% positive results by using a spray can of Clear Rustoleum. Using a cheaper brand may not coat as well so I paid the small extra cost just in case.. My inexpensive jewelry has never tarnished, rusted, turned my skin green or black,etc. I simply hang my necklaces and bracelets on a clothes hanger (outdoors) then spray a couple of light coats of the clear spray paint. It dries quickly but I still wait about an hour between “treatments.” Hope this helps!
I’ve heard of doing this… but is the necklace still able to bend? When I have tried it in the past it seems kind of sticky and gritty? Have you ever had this issue? It may be that I was using a different kind of spray.
Have you some this also with rings I’d love to know and where did you find that?
Had already bought a can of inexpensive polyurethane to use but with as much needed and as many projects as I have, I’ll definitely be buying the recommended brand above — tks for the advice!
I have a gold plated over Sterling silver flat Byzantine necklace and bracelet. I paid more than I want to admit, but I was under the impression that it wouldn’t turn my skin green, but unfortunately that’s isn’t the case. Every time o wear it my neck and arm turn green. It would take A lot of nail polish to coat the pieces. If I sprayed it with the polyurethane on it would it be able to bend Help me some body
Hi ev1,
In my experiences ive become very fond of stainless steel jewerly…it NEVER tarnishes or turns anything green where i wear it. Im getting ready to try the clear nail polish trick i learned about from u all on here but only on the stones on my stainless steel bracelet that i loved but had to return to Kohls after a few stones fell out within a few months after purchasing it. I didnt notice of course right away, with all the running around, cooking, cleaning and etc us moms do, lol. I was disappointed cause i loved the bracelet and a pair sterling silver Citrine birthstone earrings i purchased a few days later. I found time yesterday to return both pieces, i also believe i have a sudden allergy to sterling silver now, i even cleaned with alcohol before i even put them on but only a few days later i noticed they broke only my left ear lobe out at the bottom, i only have one hole in each ear. I noticed my earring hole was crusty, red and gross, so enough on that subject, lol. I have never had any kind of jewerly that has ever broke me out, real or not and never in my 43 years of life so far. Ive read on here and other sites that its not uncommon to have this happen later in life and come on all of a sudden. It of course bites the big one for me. I also have MS and alot of things are now happening only with the left side of my body….no idea if this is just another thing to add to my list of issuses only on the left side of my body, head to toe hitting me all within a 6 month period but its all par for the course with MS. Diagnosed in 2009 so doing good so far with my long growing list of ailments but used to it. Lol. Gotta keep my humor and reality in check with it, so i dont go crazy literally. Anyhoo….i got another birthstone pair but gold plated ones this time. Im hoping that this nail polish trick works on both pieces, since each piece is once again brand new and not worn yet until i try this and ill let u all know and if i can post any pics, i will certainly do so. Until then, loved reading all ur posts and experiences. Thank u for sharing and alot of helpful and useful information. Take care ev1, ill post again on the flip side.
Theresa P.
Did you try? What were your results?