I am not kidding, I am literally drooling over this picture. I must make this at least once in my life. By my life, I mean this week. It is probably not very many WW points right? I can’t wait to drizzle it all over my pancakes or waffles. Who’s kidding? Drizzle? I mean slather. What a great idea. I have to give the thanks to Dine and Dish for this amazing concoction that she invented. I don’t know if I should hate her or love her for inventing this. If I never knew about it my thighs wouldn’t get bigger. But I do know now, and I can’t let it slide. Yum!
Recipe: Creamy Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles (or ice cream!)
1 stick butter
3/4 cup commercially prepared eggnog (full-fat version)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
In a large pan (make sure it is large, this syrup will grow when you add the vanilla and soda), place the butter, eggnog, and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously.
Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla and soda (it will foam)
Serve over hot pancakes or waffles. Enjoy!
This seems like one of those delicious rich meals that would last all day. Yum. Looks so good and filling too. I wish it was calorie and carb free.
Um, YUM!