The first two ingredients are totally optional, but I chopped up two cloves of garlic with 1 tbsp of olive oil and sauteed for one minute. I added the 1-pound ground beef and 1 package of Hot Jimmy Dean sausage and cooked it on med-hot until browned.
I then poured two 32-ounce jars of my favorite marinara sauce and let it simmer for about three hours. You can add any additional spices like garlic powder, salt, pepper, hot chili flakes, oregano, basil. Make it your own. You don’t have to simmer it at all if you don’t want to. You can add all these ingredients together and just simmer for 20 minutes and it will still taste delicious. I just wanted to marry the ingredients a little longer.
Keep in mind that the three hour simmer made it very meaty. If you are looking for a saucier sauce, just add another 8 oz – 12 oz of marinara sauce.
Top the sauce on top of any type of pasta and voila! Simple and delicious meat sauce. Don’t be scared of adding any veggies if you’re family won’t throw a fit if they see them.
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