How old is Suri now? I had to look it up because every time I see her I can’t believe how big she is. Suri will be turning 5 years old next month. The reason I looked it up is because I was surprised to see a pacifier in her mouth. I think that she might be too old for that because I know it can really jack up your teeth. Maybe Katie just doesn’t want to put up a fight. It can be a very difficult thing to ween your baby off that thing. It should be up there in importance of things to do like potty training and weening the bottle. But it seems that Katie and Tom are strong to follow their Scientology beliefs that frown upon telling their children “No.” It is seen as controlling rather than letting them choose their own way.
You definitely want to start the weening process at age 3 and latest 4. By that time the jaw starts getting into its permanent state and the pacifier or thumb sucking can push teeth forward, and possibly make teeth not align correctly. It is also said that doctors say pacifier use can attribute to 50% rise in ear infections.
There is no rule to weening but you can try a few things.
- Start slow. Offer binky at nap time or when going to bed.
- Try to trade it for something else, like a toy.
- If you have a new baby, ask your toddler if they would be willing to give the new baby the binky because they need it and big boys don’t. You might be surprised at how willing they will be to help.
- Reward chart with stickers and lots of positive reinforcement and praise.
- Be consistent. You don’t want your child to get mixed messages. Stick to your guns, even through a tantrum.
Good Luck! It is not easy, but it is for their own good.
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